Post by 256 on Mar 9, 2024 23:47:17 GMT -8
(Sorry if my titles weird) Hello again winclassic people! I have been messing around with making my windows 11 computer look like windows vista, and i say it's going pretty well! except for the title bar and borders of windows. (and the context menus for some reason, i will save that for later though). I use Aero 10 & DWMBlurGlass on my windows 11 pc, and it works fine enough in making the computer look like vista, except for the fact that the caption buttons look a bit wonky. There is no border around the window, and the caption buttons are bit big... I applied a windhawk mod called "Bring Back the Borders!" and it looks a bit better... _ but whenever I focus on a different window, and focus back, the border goes away again! And if I resize the window, it comes back. And the context menu has these weird black boxes around the options whenever I right click in explorer, and if I right click on the desktop, it just doesn't even show up. I think all this happens because I use a theme that was built for windows 10 on windows 11 (pls don't judge me lol). I had to stick with the system theme, which isn't ideal, but it is functional. I would prefer to stick with windows 11 just out of personal preference, but I can see why people prefer windows 10. Any and all help is appreciated!
Post by 256 on Mar 10, 2024 0:13:53 GMT -8
-=EXTREMELY LAST MINUTE=-So, I found out that DWMBlurGlass lets you make the caption buttons look like they are from vista/7 (whoops ) Sorry about that, but with that feature enabled, it makes the caption buttons resemble windows vista a bit more! Although they are still a bit boxy compared to the windows vista caption buttons, and the border still disappears from windows that are unfocused and refocused. Any help will still be appreciated as I am still looking for ways to fix the border/Caption Buttons, and context menu issues!
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 10, 2024 1:59:42 GMT -8
-=EXTREMELY LAST MINUTE=-So, I found out that DWMBlurGlass lets you make the caption buttons look like they are from vista/7 (whoops ) View AttachmentSorry about that, but with that feature enabled, it makes the caption buttons resemble windows vista a bit more! View AttachmentAlthough they are still a bit boxy compared to the windows vista caption buttons, View Attachmentand the border still disappears from windows that are unfocused and refocused. View AttachmentAny help will still be appreciated as I am still looking for ways to fix the border/Caption Buttons, and context menu issues! Otherwise, you can use this mods : {Code}
// ==WindhawkMod== // @id restore-seven-caption-buttons // @name Restore Windows 7 Caption Buttons // @description This mod restores the caption buttons to their original lengths and heights in Windows 7. Works on Windows 10 21H2 (LTSC 2021). // @version 0.1 // @author Dulappy // @github https://github.com/Dulappy // @include dwm.exe // @architecture x86-64 // @compilerOptions -ldwmapi -lgdi32 -ld2d1 -ldxguid -lcomdlg32 -lwindowscodecs // ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme== /* # The leaker known as ImSwordQueen. The leaker of mods while sleeping */ // ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include <windef.h> #include <wingdi.h> #include <dwmapi.h> #include <D3D9Types.h> #include <d2d1effects.h> #include <winuser.h> #include <math.h> #include <wincodec.h>
#define ID_CLOSE 3 #define ID_MAXRES 2 #define ID_MIN 1
#define TYPE_TOOL 2
int (WINAPI *GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig)(int nIndex, UINT dpi); int WINAPI GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(int nIndex, UINT dpi) { return GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig(nIndex, dpi); }
/* =============================================================================== */
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)(void* pThis); CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)(void* pThis, int flag); CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)(void* pThis, struct _MARGINS const *); CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original;
typedef void (*CText_SetSize_t)(void* pThis, struct tagSIZE const *); CText_SetSize_t CText_SetSize_Original;
typedef void (*CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)(void* pThis, double alpha, struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const *); CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original;
typedef void (*MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)(unsigned long, long const * const, unsigned int, long, unsigned int, void*); MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)(__int64, long **); CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)(__int64, char*); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)(__int64*, volatile int**); CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)(void* pThis, volatile signed __int32 *); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original;
typedef long (*CBitmapSource_Create_t)(struct IWICBitmap*, const struct _MARGINS*, long long **); CBitmapSource_Create_t CBitmapSource_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)(long long*, const struct tagRECT*, volatile int **); CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CPopInstruction_Create_t)(volatile int **); CPopInstruction_Create_t CPopInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)(void*, long long**, long long**, void*); CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)(void*); CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original;
typedef void (*CText_ReleaseResources_t)(void* pThis); CText_ReleaseResources_t CText_ReleaseResources_Original;
long long* DesktopManagerInstance = nullptr;
long long (*CButton_DrawStateW_Original)(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState);
long long CButton_DrawStateW_Hook(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState) { /*Wh_Log(L"We runnin"); if (ButtonState!=4 && *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 328) >= 4u) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but inside"); long long v10 = 1; if ((*(BYTE *)((long long)pThis + 280) & 0x10) == 0) { v10 = ButtonState; } if ( *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 360) >= 4u ) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but double inside"); *(long long *)((long long)pThis + 368) = *(long long *)(*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 336) + 8 * v10); } }*/
return CButton_DrawStateW_Original(pThis, CAtlasButton, ButtonState); }
void (*CText_SetColor_Original)(void *pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetColor_Hook(void *pThis, unsigned long color) { color = 0x000000; return CText_SetColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook(void* pThis) { long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0;
long long CVisualInstance = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
MARGINS somemargins = *(struct _MARGINS *)(CVisualInstance + 280); //Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 19));
// DesktopManagerInstance + 60 CONTROLS SOMETHING RELATED TO VISUAL BORDER SIZE double v9 = *((double*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60); // THIS IS HOW YOU USE DESKTOPMANAGERINSTANCE //Wh_Log(L"%llu", v9);
return retvalue; }
long (*CText_ValidateResources_Original)(void* pThis);
long CText_ValidateResources_Hook(void* pThis) { //return 0; long retvalue = CText_ValidateResources_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0; /*DWORD v1 = *((DWORD *)pThis + 20); if ((v1 & 0x1000)) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original(pThis); if ( *((unsigned long long *)pThis + 36) ) { long long* v10 = (long long*)*((long long*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 33); if (v10) { HDC hdc = (HDC)*((long long *)v10 + 13); if (hdc) { HBITMAP Bitmap = CreateBitmap(512, 30, 1u, 32, 0); if (Bitmap) { SelectObject(hdc, Bitmap); RECT fillbox; fillbox.left = 0; fillbox.right = 512; fillbox.top = 0; fillbox.bottom = 30; HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(3, 48, 124)); FillRect(hdc, &fillbox, Brush); GdiFlush(); IWICImagingFactory* ImagingFactory = *((IWICImagingFactory**)*DesktopManagerInstance + 39); IWICBitmap* newBitmap; ImagingFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(Bitmap, 0, WICBitmapIgnoreAlpha, &newBitmap); WICPixelFormatGUID test1; newBitmap->GetPixelFormat(&test1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data2); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data3); Wh_Log(L"%llu", test1.Data4); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original(*((long long *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 5), (char *)pThis + 392); volatile int * createdInstruction = 0; CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original(*((long long **)pThis + 49), &createdInstruction); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, createdInstruction);
long long * CBitmapSource = 0; MARGINS test; test.cxLeftWidth = 8; test.cxRightWidth = 8; test.cyBottomHeight = 8; test.cyTopHeight = 8; CBitmapSource_Create_Original(newBitmap, 0, &CBitmapSource); // CRASHES DWM Wh_Log(L"does this run1?"); volatile int* CDrawImageInstruction = 0; CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original(CBitmapSource, &fillbox, &CDrawImageInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CDrawImageInstruction); volatile int* CPopInst = 0; CPopInstruction_Create_Original(&CPopInst); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CPopInst); Wh_Log(L"does this run2?"); } } } } *((DWORD *)pThis + 20) &= ~0x1000u; }*/ //long retvalue = 0; return retvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook(void* pThis) { return CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original(pThis); }
void (*CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original)(void* pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook(void* pThis, unsigned long color) { return CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook(void* pThis) { //Wh_Log(L"%i", (int)*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60)); //*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60) = 1; /*Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 154));
RECT rc = *(struct tagRECT *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 48); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.left); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.right); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.top); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.bottom);*/
//*((DWORD *)pThis + 157) = -20;
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original(pThis); float *colorData = (float *)*((long long *)pThis + 73);
struct _D3DCOLORVALUE color; color.a = 0.5; color.b = colorData[6]; color.g = colorData[5]; color.r = colorData[4]; //Wh_Log(L"%i", *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 152)); /*float v28[4]; v28[0] = 1.0; v28[1] = 1.0; v28[2] = 1.0; long long *v24; long long *v25; v24 = 0; v25 = 0;*/ //CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original(pThis, &v24, &v25, &v28);
return retvalue; }
long (*CVisual_SetSize_Original)(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
long CVisual_SetSize_Hook(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE* size) { return CVisual_SetSize_Original(pThis, size); }
bool (__thiscall *CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original)(void *, bool); bool __thiscall CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook(void *pThis, bool param_1) { *((float *)pThis + 101) = 1.0; return CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original(pThis, param_1); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original)(__int64, int, int, int, int*);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook(__int64 pThis, int buttonId, int height, int offsetTop, int* offsetRight) { typedef DWORD CVisual;
if ( !*(CVisual *)(pThis + 488 + 8 * buttonId) ) { // if this button doesn't exist on the window, return. return 0; }
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*(__int64 *)(pThis + 728) + 324);
// WINDOWS 7 HEIGHT CALCULATION!!! KEPT HERE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE //height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
bool isTool; int TBHeight; int width; if ( (*(BYTE *)(pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL) != 0 ) { isTool = TRUE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)53, (UINT)DPIValue); } else { isTool = FALSE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue); }
if (isTool) { height = TBHeight; width = height; } else { height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 21 / 21) + 0.5); if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) != 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) == 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if ((buttonId != ID_MIN || *(long long *)(pThis + 488)) && buttonId) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 27 / 21) + 0.5); } else { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 29 / 21) + 0.5); } } CVisual *buttonData; buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); // this fetches the address where all the data for the specific button is stored
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(*(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488), offsetTop);
if (buttonData[33] != *offsetRight) { buttonData[33] = *offsetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(buttonData, 2); buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); }
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(buttonData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC5Cu, 0); } else { *offsetRight += buttonData[30]; }
return retnvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook(void *pThis) {
bool isMaximized = *((BYTE *)pThis + 240) & STATE_MAXIMIZED; bool isTool = *((BYTE *)pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL;
if (*((long long *)pThis + 60)) { DWORD *clientData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 68);
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149); if (clientData[32] != insetLeft) { clientData[32] = insetLeft; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151); if (clientData[34] != insetTop) { clientData[34] = insetTop; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetRight = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (clientData[33] != insetRight) { clientData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetBottom = *((DWORD *)pThis + 152); if (clientData[35] != insetBottom) { clientData[35] = insetBottom; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } long *unknown = (long *)*((long long *)pThis + 37); if (unknown) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original(unknown, (const struct _MARGINS *)(*((long long *)pThis + 68) + 128)); } }
int insetRightNormal = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (insetRightNormal <= 0) { // this+91 contains window data insetRightNormal = *(long long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 96); } long *borderSizeArray; if (isMaximized) { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 644); } else { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 628); }
int insetRight; if (insetRightNormal - 2 <= borderSizeArray[1] + 2) { insetRight = borderSizeArray[1] + 2; } else { insetRight = insetRightNormal - 2; } int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324);
int height; if (isTool) { height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(53, DPIValue); } else { height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2]; if (isTool) { if (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4 > insetTop) { insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4; } insetRight++; } else if (isMaximized) { insetTop--; } else { insetTop++; }
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 3, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 2, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 1, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 0, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
bool hasIcon = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66); if (hasIcon) { __int64 someData = *((long long *)pThis + 91); int width; int height; if (*(long long *)(someData + 136) || (*((long *)pThis + 148) & 0x10000) == 0) { width = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(49, *(unsigned int *)(someData + 324)); height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(50, *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324)); } else { width = 0; height = 0; } long long *iconData; iconData = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height; long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(iconData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC08u, 0); return (unsigned int)retnvalue; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2] + (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 124) - borderSizeArray[2]) / 2;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(iconData, insetTop); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(iconData, insetLeft);
long iconWidth = *(long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 120);
if (iconWidth > 0) { insetLeft += iconWidth + 5; } } bool hasText = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); if (hasText) { DWORD *textData; textData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(textData, borderSizeArray[2]); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(textData, insetLeft); if ( textData[33] != insetRight ) { textData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(textData, 2); } struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = textData[30]; size.cy = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - borderSizeArray[2]; CText_SetSize_Original(textData, &size); }
return 0; }
BOOL Wh_ModInit(void) { Wh_Log(L"We're back");
bool already_running = !(*(USHORT*)((long long)NtCurrentTeb() + 0x17EE) & 0x0400);
if (!already_running) { return FALSE; }
HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll");
void* GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi"); Wh_SetFunctionHook(GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr, (void*)GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook, (void**)&GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig);
/* --------------------------- */
HMODULE uDWM = GetModuleHandle(L"uDWM.dll"); if (!uDWM) return FALSE;
WH_FIND_SYMBOL findSymbol; HANDLE findSymbolHandle = Wh_FindFirstSymbol(uDWM, nullptr, &findSymbol); if (!findSymbolHandle) { Wh_Log(L"Wh_FindFirstSymbol failed"); return FALSE; } void* UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = nullptr; void* CVisualSetSizeAddr = nullptr; void* PositionsAndSizesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateColorizationColorAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = nullptr; void* CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = nullptr; void* ValidateResourcesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = nullptr; void* SetColorAddr = nullptr; void* DrawStateAddr = nullptr;
do { if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CButton::UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity(bool)") == 0) { UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CVisual::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CVisualSetSizeAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes(void)") == 0) { PositionsAndSizesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaButton(enum CTopLevelWindow::ButtonType,int,int,int *)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateColorizationColor(void)") == 0) { UpdateColorizationColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaBackground(void)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CText::ValidateResources(void)") == 0) { ValidateResourcesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle(void)") == 0) { UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { SetColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CButton::DrawStateW(class CAtlasButton *,enum CButton::ButtonStates)") == 0) { DrawStateAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::OnAccentPolicyUpdated(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"void __cdecl MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast(unsigned long,long const * const,unsigned int,long,unsigned int,void *)") == 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original = (MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentTop(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentLeft(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual void __cdecl CVisual::SetDirtyFlags(unsigned long)") == 0) { CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original = (CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdatePinnedParts(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParent(struct _MARGINS const &)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CText::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CText_SetSize_Original = (CText_SetSize_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy::Update(double,struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const &)") == 0) { CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original = (CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy<class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy>(class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy<class CMatrixTransformProxy>(class CMatrixTransformProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPushTransformInstruction::Create(class CBaseTransformProxy *,class CPushTransformInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original = (CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CRenderDataVisual::AddInstruction(class CRenderDataInstruction *)") == 0) { CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original = (CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CBitmapSource::Create(struct IWICBitmap *,struct _MARGINS const *,class CBitmapSource * *)") == 0) { CBitmapSource_Create_Original = (CBitmapSource_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CDrawImageInstruction::Create(class CBitmapSource *,struct tagRECT const *,class CDrawImageInstruction * *)") == 0) { CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original = (CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPopInstruction::Create(class CPopInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPopInstruction_Create_Original = (CPopInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::GetAccentBlurBehindBrush(class CImageLegacyMilBrushProxy * *,class CCachedVisualImageProxy * *,struct MilPoint3F *)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CText::ReleaseResources(void)") == 0) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original = (CText_ReleaseResources_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: static class CDesktopManager * CDesktopManager::s_pDesktopManagerInstance") == 0) { DesktopManagerInstance = (long long*)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } /*else { Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s", findSymbol.symbol); }*/ } while (Wh_FindNextSymbol(findSymbolHandle, &findSymbol));
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr, (void*)CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook, (void**)&CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CVisualSetSizeAddr, (void*)CVisual_SetSize_Hook, (void**)&CVisual_SetSize_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(PositionsAndSizesAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateColorizationColorAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(ValidateResourcesAddr, (void*)CText_ValidateResources_Hook, (void**)&CText_ValidateResources_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(SetColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(DrawStateAddr, (void*)CButton_DrawStateW_Hook, (void**)&CButton_DrawStateW_Original); Wh_Log(L"It's over"); return TRUE;
This mods is more for obtaining a Windows 7 style, but it does not contain the bugs that you describe (I have not found an equivalent for Vista).
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 10, 2024 2:01:45 GMT -8
I'm not sure why the buttons are too big ; maybe your system DPI scaling is set above 100%.
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Mar 10, 2024 6:21:37 GMT -8
-=EXTREMELY LAST MINUTE=-So, I found out that DWMBlurGlass lets you make the caption buttons look like they are from vista/7 (whoops ) View AttachmentSorry about that, but with that feature enabled, it makes the caption buttons resemble windows vista a bit more! View AttachmentAlthough they are still a bit boxy compared to the windows vista caption buttons, View Attachmentand the border still disappears from windows that are unfocused and refocused. View AttachmentAny help will still be appreciated as I am still looking for ways to fix the border/Caption Buttons, and context menu issues! Otherwise, you can use this mods : {Code}
// ==WindhawkMod== // @id restore-seven-caption-buttons // @name Restore Windows 7 Caption Buttons // @description This mod restores the caption buttons to their original lengths and heights in Windows 7. Works on Windows 10 21H2 (LTSC 2021). // @version 0.1 // @author Dulappy // @github https://github.com/Dulappy // @include dwm.exe // @architecture x86-64 // @compilerOptions -ldwmapi -lgdi32 -ld2d1 -ldxguid -lcomdlg32 -lwindowscodecs // ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme== /* # The leaker known as ImSwordQueen. The leaker of mods while sleeping */ // ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include <windef.h> #include <wingdi.h> #include <dwmapi.h> #include <D3D9Types.h> #include <d2d1effects.h> #include <winuser.h> #include <math.h> #include <wincodec.h>
#define ID_CLOSE 3 #define ID_MAXRES 2 #define ID_MIN 1
#define TYPE_TOOL 2
int (WINAPI *GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig)(int nIndex, UINT dpi); int WINAPI GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(int nIndex, UINT dpi) { return GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig(nIndex, dpi); }
/* =============================================================================== */
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)(void* pThis); CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)(void* pThis, int flag); CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)(void* pThis, struct _MARGINS const *); CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original;
typedef void (*CText_SetSize_t)(void* pThis, struct tagSIZE const *); CText_SetSize_t CText_SetSize_Original;
typedef void (*CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)(void* pThis, double alpha, struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const *); CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original;
typedef void (*MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)(unsigned long, long const * const, unsigned int, long, unsigned int, void*); MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)(__int64, long **); CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)(__int64, char*); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)(__int64*, volatile int**); CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)(void* pThis, volatile signed __int32 *); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original;
typedef long (*CBitmapSource_Create_t)(struct IWICBitmap*, const struct _MARGINS*, long long **); CBitmapSource_Create_t CBitmapSource_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)(long long*, const struct tagRECT*, volatile int **); CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CPopInstruction_Create_t)(volatile int **); CPopInstruction_Create_t CPopInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)(void*, long long**, long long**, void*); CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)(void*); CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original;
typedef void (*CText_ReleaseResources_t)(void* pThis); CText_ReleaseResources_t CText_ReleaseResources_Original;
long long* DesktopManagerInstance = nullptr;
long long (*CButton_DrawStateW_Original)(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState);
long long CButton_DrawStateW_Hook(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState) { /*Wh_Log(L"We runnin"); if (ButtonState!=4 && *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 328) >= 4u) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but inside"); long long v10 = 1; if ((*(BYTE *)((long long)pThis + 280) & 0x10) == 0) { v10 = ButtonState; } if ( *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 360) >= 4u ) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but double inside"); *(long long *)((long long)pThis + 368) = *(long long *)(*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 336) + 8 * v10); } }*/
return CButton_DrawStateW_Original(pThis, CAtlasButton, ButtonState); }
void (*CText_SetColor_Original)(void *pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetColor_Hook(void *pThis, unsigned long color) { color = 0x000000; return CText_SetColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook(void* pThis) { long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0;
long long CVisualInstance = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
MARGINS somemargins = *(struct _MARGINS *)(CVisualInstance + 280); //Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 19));
// DesktopManagerInstance + 60 CONTROLS SOMETHING RELATED TO VISUAL BORDER SIZE double v9 = *((double*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60); // THIS IS HOW YOU USE DESKTOPMANAGERINSTANCE //Wh_Log(L"%llu", v9);
return retvalue; }
long (*CText_ValidateResources_Original)(void* pThis);
long CText_ValidateResources_Hook(void* pThis) { //return 0; long retvalue = CText_ValidateResources_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0; /*DWORD v1 = *((DWORD *)pThis + 20); if ((v1 & 0x1000)) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original(pThis); if ( *((unsigned long long *)pThis + 36) ) { long long* v10 = (long long*)*((long long*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 33); if (v10) { HDC hdc = (HDC)*((long long *)v10 + 13); if (hdc) { HBITMAP Bitmap = CreateBitmap(512, 30, 1u, 32, 0); if (Bitmap) { SelectObject(hdc, Bitmap); RECT fillbox; fillbox.left = 0; fillbox.right = 512; fillbox.top = 0; fillbox.bottom = 30; HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(3, 48, 124)); FillRect(hdc, &fillbox, Brush); GdiFlush(); IWICImagingFactory* ImagingFactory = *((IWICImagingFactory**)*DesktopManagerInstance + 39); IWICBitmap* newBitmap; ImagingFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(Bitmap, 0, WICBitmapIgnoreAlpha, &newBitmap); WICPixelFormatGUID test1; newBitmap->GetPixelFormat(&test1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data2); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data3); Wh_Log(L"%llu", test1.Data4); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original(*((long long *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 5), (char *)pThis + 392); volatile int * createdInstruction = 0; CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original(*((long long **)pThis + 49), &createdInstruction); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, createdInstruction);
long long * CBitmapSource = 0; MARGINS test; test.cxLeftWidth = 8; test.cxRightWidth = 8; test.cyBottomHeight = 8; test.cyTopHeight = 8; CBitmapSource_Create_Original(newBitmap, 0, &CBitmapSource); // CRASHES DWM Wh_Log(L"does this run1?"); volatile int* CDrawImageInstruction = 0; CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original(CBitmapSource, &fillbox, &CDrawImageInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CDrawImageInstruction); volatile int* CPopInst = 0; CPopInstruction_Create_Original(&CPopInst); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CPopInst); Wh_Log(L"does this run2?"); } } } } *((DWORD *)pThis + 20) &= ~0x1000u; }*/ //long retvalue = 0; return retvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook(void* pThis) { return CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original(pThis); }
void (*CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original)(void* pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook(void* pThis, unsigned long color) { return CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook(void* pThis) { //Wh_Log(L"%i", (int)*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60)); //*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60) = 1; /*Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 154));
RECT rc = *(struct tagRECT *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 48); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.left); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.right); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.top); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.bottom);*/
//*((DWORD *)pThis + 157) = -20;
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original(pThis); float *colorData = (float *)*((long long *)pThis + 73);
struct _D3DCOLORVALUE color; color.a = 0.5; color.b = colorData[6]; color.g = colorData[5]; color.r = colorData[4]; //Wh_Log(L"%i", *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 152)); /*float v28[4]; v28[0] = 1.0; v28[1] = 1.0; v28[2] = 1.0; long long *v24; long long *v25; v24 = 0; v25 = 0;*/ //CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original(pThis, &v24, &v25, &v28);
return retvalue; }
long (*CVisual_SetSize_Original)(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
long CVisual_SetSize_Hook(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE* size) { return CVisual_SetSize_Original(pThis, size); }
bool (__thiscall *CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original)(void *, bool); bool __thiscall CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook(void *pThis, bool param_1) { *((float *)pThis + 101) = 1.0; return CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original(pThis, param_1); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original)(__int64, int, int, int, int*);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook(__int64 pThis, int buttonId, int height, int offsetTop, int* offsetRight) { typedef DWORD CVisual;
if ( !*(CVisual *)(pThis + 488 + 8 * buttonId) ) { // if this button doesn't exist on the window, return. return 0; }
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*(__int64 *)(pThis + 728) + 324);
// WINDOWS 7 HEIGHT CALCULATION!!! KEPT HERE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE //height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
bool isTool; int TBHeight; int width; if ( (*(BYTE *)(pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL) != 0 ) { isTool = TRUE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)53, (UINT)DPIValue); } else { isTool = FALSE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue); }
if (isTool) { height = TBHeight; width = height; } else { height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 21 / 21) + 0.5); if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) != 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) == 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if ((buttonId != ID_MIN || *(long long *)(pThis + 488)) && buttonId) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 27 / 21) + 0.5); } else { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 29 / 21) + 0.5); } } CVisual *buttonData; buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); // this fetches the address where all the data for the specific button is stored
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(*(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488), offsetTop);
if (buttonData[33] != *offsetRight) { buttonData[33] = *offsetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(buttonData, 2); buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); }
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(buttonData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC5Cu, 0); } else { *offsetRight += buttonData[30]; }
return retnvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook(void *pThis) {
bool isMaximized = *((BYTE *)pThis + 240) & STATE_MAXIMIZED; bool isTool = *((BYTE *)pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL;
if (*((long long *)pThis + 60)) { DWORD *clientData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 68);
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149); if (clientData[32] != insetLeft) { clientData[32] = insetLeft; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151); if (clientData[34] != insetTop) { clientData[34] = insetTop; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetRight = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (clientData[33] != insetRight) { clientData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetBottom = *((DWORD *)pThis + 152); if (clientData[35] != insetBottom) { clientData[35] = insetBottom; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } long *unknown = (long *)*((long long *)pThis + 37); if (unknown) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original(unknown, (const struct _MARGINS *)(*((long long *)pThis + 68) + 128)); } }
int insetRightNormal = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (insetRightNormal <= 0) { // this+91 contains window data insetRightNormal = *(long long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 96); } long *borderSizeArray; if (isMaximized) { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 644); } else { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 628); }
int insetRight; if (insetRightNormal - 2 <= borderSizeArray[1] + 2) { insetRight = borderSizeArray[1] + 2; } else { insetRight = insetRightNormal - 2; } int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324);
int height; if (isTool) { height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(53, DPIValue); } else { height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2]; if (isTool) { if (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4 > insetTop) { insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4; } insetRight++; } else if (isMaximized) { insetTop--; } else { insetTop++; }
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 3, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 2, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 1, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 0, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
bool hasIcon = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66); if (hasIcon) { __int64 someData = *((long long *)pThis + 91); int width; int height; if (*(long long *)(someData + 136) || (*((long *)pThis + 148) & 0x10000) == 0) { width = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(49, *(unsigned int *)(someData + 324)); height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(50, *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324)); } else { width = 0; height = 0; } long long *iconData; iconData = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height; long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(iconData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC08u, 0); return (unsigned int)retnvalue; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2] + (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 124) - borderSizeArray[2]) / 2;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(iconData, insetTop); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(iconData, insetLeft);
long iconWidth = *(long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 120);
if (iconWidth > 0) { insetLeft += iconWidth + 5; } } bool hasText = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); if (hasText) { DWORD *textData; textData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(textData, borderSizeArray[2]); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(textData, insetLeft); if ( textData[33] != insetRight ) { textData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(textData, 2); } struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = textData[30]; size.cy = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - borderSizeArray[2]; CText_SetSize_Original(textData, &size); }
return 0; }
BOOL Wh_ModInit(void) { Wh_Log(L"We're back");
bool already_running = !(*(USHORT*)((long long)NtCurrentTeb() + 0x17EE) & 0x0400);
if (!already_running) { return FALSE; }
HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll");
void* GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi"); Wh_SetFunctionHook(GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr, (void*)GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook, (void**)&GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig);
/* --------------------------- */
HMODULE uDWM = GetModuleHandle(L"uDWM.dll"); if (!uDWM) return FALSE;
WH_FIND_SYMBOL findSymbol; HANDLE findSymbolHandle = Wh_FindFirstSymbol(uDWM, nullptr, &findSymbol); if (!findSymbolHandle) { Wh_Log(L"Wh_FindFirstSymbol failed"); return FALSE; } void* UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = nullptr; void* CVisualSetSizeAddr = nullptr; void* PositionsAndSizesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateColorizationColorAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = nullptr; void* CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = nullptr; void* ValidateResourcesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = nullptr; void* SetColorAddr = nullptr; void* DrawStateAddr = nullptr;
do { if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CButton::UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity(bool)") == 0) { UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CVisual::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CVisualSetSizeAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes(void)") == 0) { PositionsAndSizesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaButton(enum CTopLevelWindow::ButtonType,int,int,int *)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateColorizationColor(void)") == 0) { UpdateColorizationColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaBackground(void)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CText::ValidateResources(void)") == 0) { ValidateResourcesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle(void)") == 0) { UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { SetColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CButton::DrawStateW(class CAtlasButton *,enum CButton::ButtonStates)") == 0) { DrawStateAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::OnAccentPolicyUpdated(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"void __cdecl MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast(unsigned long,long const * const,unsigned int,long,unsigned int,void *)") == 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original = (MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentTop(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentLeft(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual void __cdecl CVisual::SetDirtyFlags(unsigned long)") == 0) { CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original = (CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdatePinnedParts(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParent(struct _MARGINS const &)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CText::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CText_SetSize_Original = (CText_SetSize_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy::Update(double,struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const &)") == 0) { CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original = (CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy<class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy>(class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy<class CMatrixTransformProxy>(class CMatrixTransformProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPushTransformInstruction::Create(class CBaseTransformProxy *,class CPushTransformInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original = (CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CRenderDataVisual::AddInstruction(class CRenderDataInstruction *)") == 0) { CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original = (CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CBitmapSource::Create(struct IWICBitmap *,struct _MARGINS const *,class CBitmapSource * *)") == 0) { CBitmapSource_Create_Original = (CBitmapSource_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CDrawImageInstruction::Create(class CBitmapSource *,struct tagRECT const *,class CDrawImageInstruction * *)") == 0) { CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original = (CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPopInstruction::Create(class CPopInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPopInstruction_Create_Original = (CPopInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::GetAccentBlurBehindBrush(class CImageLegacyMilBrushProxy * *,class CCachedVisualImageProxy * *,struct MilPoint3F *)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CText::ReleaseResources(void)") == 0) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original = (CText_ReleaseResources_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: static class CDesktopManager * CDesktopManager::s_pDesktopManagerInstance") == 0) { DesktopManagerInstance = (long long*)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } /*else { Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s", findSymbol.symbol); }*/ } while (Wh_FindNextSymbol(findSymbolHandle, &findSymbol));
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr, (void*)CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook, (void**)&CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CVisualSetSizeAddr, (void*)CVisual_SetSize_Hook, (void**)&CVisual_SetSize_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(PositionsAndSizesAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateColorizationColorAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(ValidateResourcesAddr, (void*)CText_ValidateResources_Hook, (void**)&CText_ValidateResources_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(SetColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(DrawStateAddr, (void*)CButton_DrawStateW_Hook, (void**)&CButton_DrawStateW_Original); Wh_Log(L"It's over"); return TRUE;
This mods is more for obtaining a Windows 7 style, but it does not contain the bugs that you describe (I have not found an equivalent for Vista).
Maybe the mod's code can be changed to make it resemble Vista
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 10, 2024 6:56:33 GMT -8
Maybe the mod's code can be changed to make it resemble Vista What are the differences between Vista and 7 ?
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Mar 10, 2024 7:12:10 GMT -8
Maybe the mod's code can be changed to make it resemble Vista What are the differences between Vista and 7 ? Vista's caption buttons are smaller, 7's ones are bigger.
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 10, 2024 7:19:53 GMT -8
Vista's caption buttons are smaller, 7's ones are bigger. But the proportions are the same ?
Post by 256 on Mar 10, 2024 11:16:19 GMT -8
-=EXTREMELY LAST MINUTE=-So, I found out that DWMBlurGlass lets you make the caption buttons look like they are from vista/7 (whoops ) View AttachmentSorry about that, but with that feature enabled, it makes the caption buttons resemble windows vista a bit more! View AttachmentAlthough they are still a bit boxy compared to the windows vista caption buttons, View Attachmentand the border still disappears from windows that are unfocused and refocused. View AttachmentAny help will still be appreciated as I am still looking for ways to fix the border/Caption Buttons, and context menu issues! Otherwise, you can use this mods : {Code}
// ==WindhawkMod== // @id restore-seven-caption-buttons // @name Restore Windows 7 Caption Buttons // @description This mod restores the caption buttons to their original lengths and heights in Windows 7. Works on Windows 10 21H2 (LTSC 2021). // @version 0.1 // @author Dulappy // @github https://github.com/Dulappy // @include dwm.exe // @architecture x86-64 // @compilerOptions -ldwmapi -lgdi32 -ld2d1 -ldxguid -lcomdlg32 -lwindowscodecs // ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme== /* # The leaker known as ImSwordQueen. The leaker of mods while sleeping */ // ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include <windef.h> #include <wingdi.h> #include <dwmapi.h> #include <D3D9Types.h> #include <d2d1effects.h> #include <winuser.h> #include <math.h> #include <wincodec.h>
#define ID_CLOSE 3 #define ID_MAXRES 2 #define ID_MIN 1
#define TYPE_TOOL 2
int (WINAPI *GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig)(int nIndex, UINT dpi); int WINAPI GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(int nIndex, UINT dpi) { return GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig(nIndex, dpi); }
/* =============================================================================== */
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)(void* pThis); CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)(void* pThis, int flag); CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)(void* pThis, struct _MARGINS const *); CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original;
typedef void (*CText_SetSize_t)(void* pThis, struct tagSIZE const *); CText_SetSize_t CText_SetSize_Original;
typedef void (*CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)(void* pThis, double alpha, struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const *); CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original;
typedef void (*MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)(unsigned long, long const * const, unsigned int, long, unsigned int, void*); MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)(__int64, long **); CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)(__int64, char*); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)(__int64*, volatile int**); CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)(void* pThis, volatile signed __int32 *); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original;
typedef long (*CBitmapSource_Create_t)(struct IWICBitmap*, const struct _MARGINS*, long long **); CBitmapSource_Create_t CBitmapSource_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)(long long*, const struct tagRECT*, volatile int **); CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CPopInstruction_Create_t)(volatile int **); CPopInstruction_Create_t CPopInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)(void*, long long**, long long**, void*); CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)(void*); CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original;
typedef void (*CText_ReleaseResources_t)(void* pThis); CText_ReleaseResources_t CText_ReleaseResources_Original;
long long* DesktopManagerInstance = nullptr;
long long (*CButton_DrawStateW_Original)(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState);
long long CButton_DrawStateW_Hook(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState) { /*Wh_Log(L"We runnin"); if (ButtonState!=4 && *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 328) >= 4u) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but inside"); long long v10 = 1; if ((*(BYTE *)((long long)pThis + 280) & 0x10) == 0) { v10 = ButtonState; } if ( *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 360) >= 4u ) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but double inside"); *(long long *)((long long)pThis + 368) = *(long long *)(*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 336) + 8 * v10); } }*/
return CButton_DrawStateW_Original(pThis, CAtlasButton, ButtonState); }
void (*CText_SetColor_Original)(void *pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetColor_Hook(void *pThis, unsigned long color) { color = 0x000000; return CText_SetColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook(void* pThis) { long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0;
long long CVisualInstance = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
MARGINS somemargins = *(struct _MARGINS *)(CVisualInstance + 280); //Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 19));
// DesktopManagerInstance + 60 CONTROLS SOMETHING RELATED TO VISUAL BORDER SIZE double v9 = *((double*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60); // THIS IS HOW YOU USE DESKTOPMANAGERINSTANCE //Wh_Log(L"%llu", v9);
return retvalue; }
long (*CText_ValidateResources_Original)(void* pThis);
long CText_ValidateResources_Hook(void* pThis) { //return 0; long retvalue = CText_ValidateResources_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0; /*DWORD v1 = *((DWORD *)pThis + 20); if ((v1 & 0x1000)) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original(pThis); if ( *((unsigned long long *)pThis + 36) ) { long long* v10 = (long long*)*((long long*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 33); if (v10) { HDC hdc = (HDC)*((long long *)v10 + 13); if (hdc) { HBITMAP Bitmap = CreateBitmap(512, 30, 1u, 32, 0); if (Bitmap) { SelectObject(hdc, Bitmap); RECT fillbox; fillbox.left = 0; fillbox.right = 512; fillbox.top = 0; fillbox.bottom = 30; HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(3, 48, 124)); FillRect(hdc, &fillbox, Brush); GdiFlush(); IWICImagingFactory* ImagingFactory = *((IWICImagingFactory**)*DesktopManagerInstance + 39); IWICBitmap* newBitmap; ImagingFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(Bitmap, 0, WICBitmapIgnoreAlpha, &newBitmap); WICPixelFormatGUID test1; newBitmap->GetPixelFormat(&test1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data2); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data3); Wh_Log(L"%llu", test1.Data4); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original(*((long long *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 5), (char *)pThis + 392); volatile int * createdInstruction = 0; CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original(*((long long **)pThis + 49), &createdInstruction); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, createdInstruction);
long long * CBitmapSource = 0; MARGINS test; test.cxLeftWidth = 8; test.cxRightWidth = 8; test.cyBottomHeight = 8; test.cyTopHeight = 8; CBitmapSource_Create_Original(newBitmap, 0, &CBitmapSource); // CRASHES DWM Wh_Log(L"does this run1?"); volatile int* CDrawImageInstruction = 0; CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original(CBitmapSource, &fillbox, &CDrawImageInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CDrawImageInstruction); volatile int* CPopInst = 0; CPopInstruction_Create_Original(&CPopInst); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CPopInst); Wh_Log(L"does this run2?"); } } } } *((DWORD *)pThis + 20) &= ~0x1000u; }*/ //long retvalue = 0; return retvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook(void* pThis) { return CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original(pThis); }
void (*CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original)(void* pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook(void* pThis, unsigned long color) { return CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook(void* pThis) { //Wh_Log(L"%i", (int)*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60)); //*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60) = 1; /*Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 154));
RECT rc = *(struct tagRECT *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 48); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.left); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.right); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.top); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.bottom);*/
//*((DWORD *)pThis + 157) = -20;
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original(pThis); float *colorData = (float *)*((long long *)pThis + 73);
struct _D3DCOLORVALUE color; color.a = 0.5; color.b = colorData[6]; color.g = colorData[5]; color.r = colorData[4]; //Wh_Log(L"%i", *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 152)); /*float v28[4]; v28[0] = 1.0; v28[1] = 1.0; v28[2] = 1.0; long long *v24; long long *v25; v24 = 0; v25 = 0;*/ //CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original(pThis, &v24, &v25, &v28);
return retvalue; }
long (*CVisual_SetSize_Original)(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
long CVisual_SetSize_Hook(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE* size) { return CVisual_SetSize_Original(pThis, size); }
bool (__thiscall *CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original)(void *, bool); bool __thiscall CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook(void *pThis, bool param_1) { *((float *)pThis + 101) = 1.0; return CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original(pThis, param_1); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original)(__int64, int, int, int, int*);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook(__int64 pThis, int buttonId, int height, int offsetTop, int* offsetRight) { typedef DWORD CVisual;
if ( !*(CVisual *)(pThis + 488 + 8 * buttonId) ) { // if this button doesn't exist on the window, return. return 0; }
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*(__int64 *)(pThis + 728) + 324);
// WINDOWS 7 HEIGHT CALCULATION!!! KEPT HERE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE //height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
bool isTool; int TBHeight; int width; if ( (*(BYTE *)(pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL) != 0 ) { isTool = TRUE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)53, (UINT)DPIValue); } else { isTool = FALSE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue); }
if (isTool) { height = TBHeight; width = height; } else { height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 21 / 21) + 0.5); if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) != 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) == 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if ((buttonId != ID_MIN || *(long long *)(pThis + 488)) && buttonId) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 27 / 21) + 0.5); } else { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 29 / 21) + 0.5); } } CVisual *buttonData; buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); // this fetches the address where all the data for the specific button is stored
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(*(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488), offsetTop);
if (buttonData[33] != *offsetRight) { buttonData[33] = *offsetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(buttonData, 2); buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); }
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(buttonData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC5Cu, 0); } else { *offsetRight += buttonData[30]; }
return retnvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook(void *pThis) {
bool isMaximized = *((BYTE *)pThis + 240) & STATE_MAXIMIZED; bool isTool = *((BYTE *)pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL;
if (*((long long *)pThis + 60)) { DWORD *clientData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 68);
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149); if (clientData[32] != insetLeft) { clientData[32] = insetLeft; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151); if (clientData[34] != insetTop) { clientData[34] = insetTop; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetRight = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (clientData[33] != insetRight) { clientData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetBottom = *((DWORD *)pThis + 152); if (clientData[35] != insetBottom) { clientData[35] = insetBottom; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } long *unknown = (long *)*((long long *)pThis + 37); if (unknown) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original(unknown, (const struct _MARGINS *)(*((long long *)pThis + 68) + 128)); } }
int insetRightNormal = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (insetRightNormal <= 0) { // this+91 contains window data insetRightNormal = *(long long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 96); } long *borderSizeArray; if (isMaximized) { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 644); } else { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 628); }
int insetRight; if (insetRightNormal - 2 <= borderSizeArray[1] + 2) { insetRight = borderSizeArray[1] + 2; } else { insetRight = insetRightNormal - 2; } int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324);
int height; if (isTool) { height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(53, DPIValue); } else { height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2]; if (isTool) { if (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4 > insetTop) { insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4; } insetRight++; } else if (isMaximized) { insetTop--; } else { insetTop++; }
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 3, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 2, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 1, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 0, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
bool hasIcon = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66); if (hasIcon) { __int64 someData = *((long long *)pThis + 91); int width; int height; if (*(long long *)(someData + 136) || (*((long *)pThis + 148) & 0x10000) == 0) { width = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(49, *(unsigned int *)(someData + 324)); height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(50, *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324)); } else { width = 0; height = 0; } long long *iconData; iconData = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height; long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(iconData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC08u, 0); return (unsigned int)retnvalue; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2] + (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 124) - borderSizeArray[2]) / 2;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(iconData, insetTop); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(iconData, insetLeft);
long iconWidth = *(long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 120);
if (iconWidth > 0) { insetLeft += iconWidth + 5; } } bool hasText = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); if (hasText) { DWORD *textData; textData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(textData, borderSizeArray[2]); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(textData, insetLeft); if ( textData[33] != insetRight ) { textData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(textData, 2); } struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = textData[30]; size.cy = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - borderSizeArray[2]; CText_SetSize_Original(textData, &size); }
return 0; }
BOOL Wh_ModInit(void) { Wh_Log(L"We're back");
bool already_running = !(*(USHORT*)((long long)NtCurrentTeb() + 0x17EE) & 0x0400);
if (!already_running) { return FALSE; }
HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll");
void* GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi"); Wh_SetFunctionHook(GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr, (void*)GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook, (void**)&GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig);
/* --------------------------- */
HMODULE uDWM = GetModuleHandle(L"uDWM.dll"); if (!uDWM) return FALSE;
WH_FIND_SYMBOL findSymbol; HANDLE findSymbolHandle = Wh_FindFirstSymbol(uDWM, nullptr, &findSymbol); if (!findSymbolHandle) { Wh_Log(L"Wh_FindFirstSymbol failed"); return FALSE; } void* UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = nullptr; void* CVisualSetSizeAddr = nullptr; void* PositionsAndSizesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateColorizationColorAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = nullptr; void* CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = nullptr; void* ValidateResourcesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = nullptr; void* SetColorAddr = nullptr; void* DrawStateAddr = nullptr;
do { if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CButton::UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity(bool)") == 0) { UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CVisual::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CVisualSetSizeAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes(void)") == 0) { PositionsAndSizesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaButton(enum CTopLevelWindow::ButtonType,int,int,int *)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateColorizationColor(void)") == 0) { UpdateColorizationColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaBackground(void)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CText::ValidateResources(void)") == 0) { ValidateResourcesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle(void)") == 0) { UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { SetColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CButton::DrawStateW(class CAtlasButton *,enum CButton::ButtonStates)") == 0) { DrawStateAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::OnAccentPolicyUpdated(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"void __cdecl MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast(unsigned long,long const * const,unsigned int,long,unsigned int,void *)") == 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original = (MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentTop(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentLeft(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual void __cdecl CVisual::SetDirtyFlags(unsigned long)") == 0) { CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original = (CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdatePinnedParts(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParent(struct _MARGINS const &)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CText::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CText_SetSize_Original = (CText_SetSize_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy::Update(double,struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const &)") == 0) { CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original = (CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy<class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy>(class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy<class CMatrixTransformProxy>(class CMatrixTransformProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPushTransformInstruction::Create(class CBaseTransformProxy *,class CPushTransformInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original = (CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CRenderDataVisual::AddInstruction(class CRenderDataInstruction *)") == 0) { CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original = (CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CBitmapSource::Create(struct IWICBitmap *,struct _MARGINS const *,class CBitmapSource * *)") == 0) { CBitmapSource_Create_Original = (CBitmapSource_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CDrawImageInstruction::Create(class CBitmapSource *,struct tagRECT const *,class CDrawImageInstruction * *)") == 0) { CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original = (CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPopInstruction::Create(class CPopInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPopInstruction_Create_Original = (CPopInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::GetAccentBlurBehindBrush(class CImageLegacyMilBrushProxy * *,class CCachedVisualImageProxy * *,struct MilPoint3F *)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CText::ReleaseResources(void)") == 0) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original = (CText_ReleaseResources_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: static class CDesktopManager * CDesktopManager::s_pDesktopManagerInstance") == 0) { DesktopManagerInstance = (long long*)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } /*else { Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s", findSymbol.symbol); }*/ } while (Wh_FindNextSymbol(findSymbolHandle, &findSymbol));
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr, (void*)CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook, (void**)&CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CVisualSetSizeAddr, (void*)CVisual_SetSize_Hook, (void**)&CVisual_SetSize_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(PositionsAndSizesAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateColorizationColorAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(ValidateResourcesAddr, (void*)CText_ValidateResources_Hook, (void**)&CText_ValidateResources_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(SetColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(DrawStateAddr, (void*)CButton_DrawStateW_Hook, (void**)&CButton_DrawStateW_Original); Wh_Log(L"It's over"); return TRUE;
This mods is more for obtaining a Windows 7 style, but it does not contain the bugs that you describe (I have not found an equivalent for Vista).
Thanks, but when i tried to compile this, it errored out until i put a "}" at the end, it should be fine... but also, will these windhawk mods hook onto games? (i.e., steam, roblox, games with anticheat) Because I don't want to get banned...
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 10, 2024 11:19:23 GMT -8
Thanks, but when i tried to compile this, it errored out until i put a "}" at the end, it should be fine... but also, will these windhawk mods hook onto games? (i.e., steam, roblox, games with anticheat) Because I don't want to get banned... I think excluding processes associated with games should be enough. I can't guarantee it, but it makes sense to me.
Post by 256 on Mar 10, 2024 12:13:48 GMT -8
The context menu thing still doesn't work i also just installed malwarebytes on my pc, and now nothing works lol. DWMBlurGlass Crashes, And some of the windhawk mods have stoppped working.
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 10, 2024 12:17:14 GMT -8
The context menu thing still doesn't work i also just installed malwarebytes on my pc, and now nothing works lol. DWMBlurGlass Crashes, And some of the windhawk mods have stoppped working. Regarding MalwareBytes, I can't do much about it, maybe you can add the processes in the exclusion list. For the context menu, have you restarted Explorer ? If it still doesn't work, you may need to adapt the visual style to Windows 11.
Post by 256 on Mar 10, 2024 12:20:52 GMT -8
i just uninstalled malewarebytes. I hope this helps, I might install a different AV later...
Post by 256 on Mar 10, 2024 12:36:08 GMT -8
i just uninstalled malewarebytes. I hope this helps, I might install a different AV later... It fixed DWMBlurGlass, And windhawk ( maybe? definitely!). This is good & bad because I located what caused this, but I also want an antivirus on my computer...
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 10, 2024 12:56:46 GMT -8
It fixed DWMBlurGlass, And windhawk ( maybe? definitely!). This is good & bad because I located what caused this, but I also want an antivirus on my computer... You may be able to use an exclusion list on MalwareBytes.
Post by 256 on Mar 10, 2024 13:23:59 GMT -8
Thanks, but when i tried to compile this, it errored out until i put a "}" at the end, it should be fine... but also, will these windhawk mods hook onto games? (i.e., steam, roblox, games with anticheat) Because I don't want to get banned... I think excluding processes associated with games should be enough. I can't guarantee it, but it makes sense to me. But, I'm scared that if I forget to exclude a game from windhawk, I might get VAC banned. It fixed DWMBlurGlass, And windhawk ( maybe? definitely!). This is good & bad because I located what caused this, but I also want an antivirus on my computer... You may be able to use an exclusion list on MalwareBytes. I might do that, when I have enough time to tinker around. lol
Post by 256 on Mar 10, 2024 17:34:36 GMT -8
okay, whenever i enable the windows 7 titlebar windhawk mod, DWMBG crashes, and whenever i re-enable DWMBG, it makes the windows look like this. I mean... It's a start...
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Post by kamuisuki on Jul 12, 2024 10:48:25 GMT -8
-=EXTREMELY LAST MINUTE=-So, I found out that DWMBlurGlass lets you make the caption buttons look like they are from vista/7 (whoops ) View Attachment Where did you found that line?
General and advanced tab is not showing this.