Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 13, 2024 16:34:11 GMT -8
{Mod Code}
// ==WindhawkMod== // @id restore-seven-caption-buttons // @name Restore Windows 7 Caption Buttons // @description This mod restores the caption buttons to their original lengths and heights in Windows 7. Works on Windows 10 21H2 (LTSC 2021). // @version 0.1 // @author Dulappy // @github https://github.com/Dulappy // @include dwm.exe // @architecture x86-64 // @compilerOptions -ldwmapi -lgdi32 -ld2d1 -ldxguid -lcomdlg32 -lwindowscodecs // ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme== /* # The leaker known as ImSwordQueen. The leaker of mods while sleeping */ // ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#define ID_CLOSE 3 #define ID_MAXRES 2 #define ID_MIN 1
#define TYPE_TOOL 2
int (WINAPI *GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig)(int nIndex, UINT dpi); int WINAPI GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(int nIndex, UINT dpi) { return GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig(nIndex, dpi); }
/* =============================================================================== */
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)(void* pThis); CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)(void* pThis, int inset); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)(void* pThis, int flag); CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)(void* pThis, struct _MARGINS const *); CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original;
typedef void (*CText_SetSize_t)(void* pThis, struct tagSIZE const *); CText_SetSize_t CText_SetSize_Original;
typedef void (*CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)(void* pThis, double alpha, struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const *); CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original;
typedef void (*MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)(unsigned long, long const * const, unsigned int, long, unsigned int, void*); MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)(__int64, long **); CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)(__int64, char*); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)(__int64*, volatile int**); CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)(void* pThis, volatile signed __int32 *); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original;
typedef long (*CBitmapSource_Create_t)(struct IWICBitmap*, const struct _MARGINS*, long long **); CBitmapSource_Create_t CBitmapSource_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)(long long*, const struct tagRECT*, volatile int **); CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CPopInstruction_Create_t)(volatile int **); CPopInstruction_Create_t CPopInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)(void*, long long**, long long**, void*); CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)(void*); CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original;
typedef void (*CText_ReleaseResources_t)(void* pThis); CText_ReleaseResources_t CText_ReleaseResources_Original;
long long* DesktopManagerInstance = nullptr;
long long (*CButton_DrawStateW_Original)(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState);
long long CButton_DrawStateW_Hook(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState) { /*Wh_Log(L"We runnin"); if (ButtonState!=4 && *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 328) >= 4u) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but inside"); long long v10 = 1; if ((*(BYTE *)((long long)pThis + 280) & 0x10) == 0) { v10 = ButtonState; } if ( *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 360) >= 4u ) { Wh_Log(L"We runnin but double inside"); *(long long *)((long long)pThis + 368) = *(long long *)(*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 336) + 8 * v10); } }*/
return CButton_DrawStateW_Original(pThis, CAtlasButton, ButtonState); }
void (*CText_SetColor_Original)(void *pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetColor_Hook(void *pThis, unsigned long color) { color = 0x000000; return CText_SetColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook(void* pThis) { long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0;
long long CVisualInstance = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
MARGINS somemargins = *(struct _MARGINS *)(CVisualInstance + 280); //Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 19));
// DesktopManagerInstance + 60 CONTROLS SOMETHING RELATED TO VISUAL BORDER SIZE double v9 = *((double*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60); // THIS IS HOW YOU USE DESKTOPMANAGERINSTANCE //Wh_Log(L"%llu", v9);
return retvalue; }
long (*CText_ValidateResources_Original)(void* pThis);
long CText_ValidateResources_Hook(void* pThis) { //return 0; long retvalue = CText_ValidateResources_Original(pThis); //long retvalue = 0; /*DWORD v1 = *((DWORD *)pThis + 20); if ((v1 & 0x1000)) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original(pThis); if ( *((unsigned long long *)pThis + 36) ) { long long* v10 = (long long*)*((long long*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 33); if (v10) { HDC hdc = (HDC)*((long long *)v10 + 13); if (hdc) { HBITMAP Bitmap = CreateBitmap(512, 30, 1u, 32, 0); if (Bitmap) { SelectObject(hdc, Bitmap); RECT fillbox; fillbox.left = 0; fillbox.right = 512; fillbox.top = 0; fillbox.bottom = 30; HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(3, 48, 124)); FillRect(hdc, &fillbox, Brush); GdiFlush(); IWICImagingFactory* ImagingFactory = *((IWICImagingFactory**)*DesktopManagerInstance + 39); IWICBitmap* newBitmap; ImagingFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(Bitmap, 0, WICBitmapIgnoreAlpha, &newBitmap); WICPixelFormatGUID test1; newBitmap->GetPixelFormat(&test1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data1); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data2); Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data3); Wh_Log(L"%llu", test1.Data4); CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original(*((long long *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 5), (char *)pThis + 392); volatile int * createdInstruction = 0; CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original(*((long long **)pThis + 49), &createdInstruction); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, createdInstruction);
long long * CBitmapSource = 0; MARGINS test; test.cxLeftWidth = 8; test.cxRightWidth = 8; test.cyBottomHeight = 8; test.cyTopHeight = 8; CBitmapSource_Create_Original(newBitmap, 0, &CBitmapSource); // CRASHES DWM Wh_Log(L"does this run1?"); volatile int* CDrawImageInstruction = 0; CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original(CBitmapSource, &fillbox, &CDrawImageInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CDrawImageInstruction); volatile int* CPopInst = 0; CPopInstruction_Create_Original(&CPopInst); CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CPopInst); Wh_Log(L"does this run2?"); } } } } *((DWORD *)pThis + 20) &= ~0x1000u; }*/ //long retvalue = 0; return retvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook(void* pThis) { return CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original(pThis); }
void (*CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original)(void* pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook(void* pThis, unsigned long color) { return CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original(pThis, color); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook(void* pThis) { //Wh_Log(L"%i", (int)*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60)); //*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60) = 1; /*Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 154));
RECT rc = *(struct tagRECT *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 48); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.left); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.right); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.top); Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.bottom);*/
//*((DWORD *)pThis + 157) = -20;
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original(pThis); float *colorData = (float *)*((long long *)pThis + 73);
struct _D3DCOLORVALUE color; color.a = 0.5; color.b = colorData[6]; color.g = colorData[5]; color.r = colorData[4]; //Wh_Log(L"%i", *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 152)); /*float v28[4]; v28[0] = 1.0; v28[1] = 1.0; v28[2] = 1.0; long long *v24; long long *v25; v24 = 0; v25 = 0;*/ //CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original(pThis, &v24, &v25, &v28);
return retvalue; }
long (*CVisual_SetSize_Original)(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
long CVisual_SetSize_Hook(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE* size) { return CVisual_SetSize_Original(pThis, size); }
bool (__thiscall *CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original)(void *, bool); bool __thiscall CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook(void *pThis, bool param_1) { *((float *)pThis + 101) = 1.0; return CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original(pThis, param_1); }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original)(__int64, int, int, int, int*);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook(__int64 pThis, int buttonId, int height, int offsetTop, int* offsetRight) { typedef DWORD CVisual;
if ( !*(CVisual *)(pThis + 488 + 8 * buttonId) ) { // if this button doesn't exist on the window, return. return 0; }
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*(__int64 *)(pThis + 728) + 324);
// WINDOWS 7 HEIGHT CALCULATION!!! KEPT HERE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE //height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
bool isTool; int TBHeight; int width; if ( (*(BYTE *)(pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL) != 0 ) { isTool = TRUE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)53, (UINT)DPIValue); } else { isTool = FALSE; TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue); }
if (isTool) { height = TBHeight; width = height; } else { height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 21 / 21) + 0.5); if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) != 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) == 0 ) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5); } else if ((buttonId != ID_MIN || *(long long *)(pThis + 488)) && buttonId) { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 27 / 21) + 0.5); } else { width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 29 / 21) + 0.5); } } CVisual *buttonData; buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); // this fetches the address where all the data for the specific button is stored
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(*(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488), offsetTop);
if (buttonData[33] != *offsetRight) { buttonData[33] = *offsetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(buttonData, 2); buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); }
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(buttonData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC5Cu, 0); } else { *offsetRight += buttonData[30]; }
return retnvalue; }
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook(void *pThis) {
bool isMaximized = *((BYTE *)pThis + 240) & STATE_MAXIMIZED; bool isTool = *((BYTE *)pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL;
if (*((long long *)pThis + 60)) { DWORD *clientData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 68);
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149); if (clientData[32] != insetLeft) { clientData[32] = insetLeft; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151); if (clientData[34] != insetTop) { clientData[34] = insetTop; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetRight = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (clientData[33] != insetRight) { clientData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } int insetBottom = *((DWORD *)pThis + 152); if (clientData[35] != insetBottom) { clientData[35] = insetBottom; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2); } long *unknown = (long *)*((long long *)pThis + 37); if (unknown) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original(unknown, (const struct _MARGINS *)(*((long long *)pThis + 68) + 128)); } }
int insetRightNormal = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150); if (insetRightNormal <= 0) { // this+91 contains window data insetRightNormal = *(long long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 96); } long *borderSizeArray; if (isMaximized) { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 644); } else { borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 628); }
int insetRight; if (insetRightNormal - 2 <= borderSizeArray[1] + 2) { insetRight = borderSizeArray[1] + 2; } else { insetRight = insetRightNormal - 2; } int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324);
int height; if (isTool) { height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(53, DPIValue); } else { height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2]; if (isTool) { if (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4 > insetTop) { insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4; } insetRight++; } else if (isMaximized) { insetTop--; } else { insetTop++; }
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 3, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 2, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 1, height, insetTop, &insetRight); CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 0, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
bool hasIcon = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66); if (hasIcon) { __int64 someData = *((long long *)pThis + 91); int width; int height; if (*(long long *)(someData + 136) || (*((long *)pThis + 148) & 0x10000) == 0) { width = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(49, *(unsigned int *)(someData + 324)); height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(50, *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324)); } else { width = 0; height = 0; } long long *iconData; iconData = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = width; size.cy = height; long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(iconData, &size); if (retnvalue < 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC08u, 0); return (unsigned int)retnvalue; }
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2] + (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 124) - borderSizeArray[2]) / 2;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(iconData, insetTop); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(iconData, insetLeft);
long iconWidth = *(long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 120);
if (iconWidth > 0) { insetLeft += iconWidth + 5; } } bool hasText = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); if (hasText) { DWORD *textData; textData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(textData, borderSizeArray[2]); CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(textData, insetLeft); if ( textData[33] != insetRight ) { textData[33] = insetRight; CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(textData, 2); } struct tagSIZE size; size.cx = textData[30]; size.cy = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - borderSizeArray[2]; CText_SetSize_Original(textData, &size); }
return 0; }
BOOL Wh_ModInit(void) { Wh_Log(L"We're back");
bool already_running = !(*(USHORT*)((long long)NtCurrentTeb() + 0x17EE) & 0x0400);
if (!already_running) { return FALSE; }
HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll");
void* GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi"); Wh_SetFunctionHook(GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr, (void*)GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook, (void**)&GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig);
/* --------------------------- */
HMODULE uDWM = GetModuleHandle(L"uDWM.dll"); if (!uDWM) return FALSE;
WH_FIND_SYMBOL findSymbol; HANDLE findSymbolHandle = Wh_FindFirstSymbol(uDWM, nullptr, &findSymbol); if (!findSymbolHandle) { Wh_Log(L"Wh_FindFirstSymbol failed"); return FALSE; } void* UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = nullptr; void* CVisualSetSizeAddr = nullptr; void* PositionsAndSizesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateColorizationColorAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = nullptr; void* CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = nullptr; void* ValidateResourcesAddr = nullptr; void* UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = nullptr; void* SetColorAddr = nullptr; void* DrawStateAddr = nullptr;
do { if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CButton::UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity(bool)") == 0) { UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CVisual::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CVisualSetSizeAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes(void)") == 0) { PositionsAndSizesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaButton(enum CTopLevelWindow::ButtonType,int,int,int *)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateColorizationColor(void)") == 0) { UpdateColorizationColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaBackground(void)") == 0) { UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CText::ValidateResources(void)") == 0) { ValidateResourcesAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle(void)") == 0) { UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetColor(unsigned long)") == 0) { SetColorAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CButton::DrawStateW(class CAtlasButton *,enum CButton::ButtonStates)") == 0) { DrawStateAddr = findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::OnAccentPolicyUpdated(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"void __cdecl MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast(unsigned long,long const * const,unsigned int,long,unsigned int,void *)") == 0) { MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original = (MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentTop(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentLeft(int)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual void __cdecl CVisual::SetDirtyFlags(unsigned long)") == 0) { CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original = (CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdatePinnedParts(void)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParent(struct _MARGINS const &)") == 0) { CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CText::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) { CText_SetSize_Original = (CText_SetSize_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy::Update(double,struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const &)") == 0) { CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original = (CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CMatrixTransformProxy * *)") == 0) { CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPushTransformInstruction::Create(class CBaseTransformProxy *,class CPushTransformInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original = (CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CRenderDataVisual::AddInstruction(class CRenderDataInstruction *)") == 0) { CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original = (CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CBitmapSource::Create(struct IWICBitmap *,struct _MARGINS const *,class CBitmapSource * *)") == 0) { CBitmapSource_Create_Original = (CBitmapSource_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CDrawImageInstruction::Create(class CBitmapSource *,struct tagRECT const *,class CDrawImageInstruction * *)") == 0) { CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original = (CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPopInstruction::Create(class CPopInstruction * *)") == 0) { CPopInstruction_Create_Original = (CPopInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::GetAccentBlurBehindBrush(class CImageLegacyMilBrushProxy * *,class CCachedVisualImageProxy * *,struct MilPoint3F *)") == 0) { CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CText::ReleaseResources(void)") == 0) { CText_ReleaseResources_Original = (CText_ReleaseResources_t)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: static class CDesktopManager * CDesktopManager::s_pDesktopManagerInstance") == 0) { DesktopManagerInstance = (long long*)findSymbol.address; Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address); } /*else { Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s", findSymbol.symbol); }*/ } while (Wh_FindNextSymbol(findSymbolHandle, &findSymbol));
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr, (void*)CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook, (void**)&CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CVisualSetSizeAddr, (void*)CVisual_SetSize_Hook, (void**)&CVisual_SetSize_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(PositionsAndSizesAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateColorizationColorAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(ValidateResourcesAddr, (void*)CText_ValidateResources_Hook, (void**)&CText_ValidateResources_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(SetColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetColor_Original); Wh_SetFunctionHook(DrawStateAddr, (void*)CButton_DrawStateW_Hook, (void**)&CButton_DrawStateW_Original); Wh_Log(L"It's over"); return TRUE; } <windef.h><wingdi.h><dwmapi.h><d3d9types.h><d2d1effects.h><winuser.h><math.h><wincodec.h><class csolidcolorlegacymilbrushproxy=""><class cmatrixtransformproxy=""></class></class></wincodec.h></math.h></winuser.h></d2d1effects.h></d3d9types.h></dwmapi.h></wingdi.h></windef.h>