DWM Windows frame hooking mods
Mar 24, 2024 16:30:42 GMT -8
Post by OrthodoxWin32 on Mar 24, 2024 16:30:42 GMT -8
This is a supposedly exhaustive list of Windhawk mods to directly hook into DWM in order to modify the window frame properties.
Mods modifying basic or classic window frames, or forcing DWM to display basic or classic frames are not mentioned on this page.
- Acrylic Effect Radius Changer (by Dulappy )
This mod changes the radius of the Accrylic blur effect in Windows 10, for applications using it.
- Bring Back the Borders! (by teknixstuff)
Restores window borders and corners in Windows 11. This is particularly useful for good display of Aerolite visual styles (high contrast or not), and all older visual styles (Vista, 7, 8). This mod is based on the Disable rounded corners in Windows 11 mod.
This mod changes the radius of the Accrylic blur effect in Windows 10, for applications using it.
- Bring Back the Borders! (by teknixstuff)
Restores window borders and corners in Windows 11. This is particularly useful for good display of Aerolite visual styles (high contrast or not), and all older visual styles (Vista, 7, 8). This mod is based on the Disable rounded corners in Windows 11 mod.
This mod forces thick frames in Windows 10/11, as was the case in Windows Vista/7/8/8.1. This is useful when using a visual style of one of its versions of Windows, or the Arolite visual style (which has not changed style since Windows 8).
This mod can have bugs, notably the bug that all windows become resizable.
- Center Titlebar (by Rounk-ctrl)
This is a Windhawk port of WinCenterTitle by Valinet. It centers the title bar text, like on Windows 8/8.1.
- Disable rounded corners in Windows 11 (by the Windhawk developper, m417z)
Disables rounded window corners in Windows 11. This is a Windhawk port of Win11DisableRoundedCorners by Valinet.
- Restore Windows 7 Caption Buttons (by Dulappy )
Restores the Windows 7 style caption buttons (original lengths and heights). In some versions of Windows 11, this mod appears to conflict with the Bring Back the Borders! (to confirm).
Restores the Windows 7 style caption buttons (original lengths and heights). In some versions of Windows 11, this mod appears to conflict with the Bring Back the Borders! (to confirm).
{Mod code}
// ==WindhawkMod==
// @id restore-seven-caption-buttons
// @name Restore Windows 7 Caption Buttons
// @description This mod restores the caption buttons to their original lengths and heights in Windows 7. Works on Windows 10 21H2 (LTSC 2021).
// @version 0.1
// @author Dulappy
// @github https://github.com/Dulappy
// @include dwm.exe
// @architecture x86-64
// @compilerOptions -ldwmapi -lgdi32 -ld2d1 -ldxguid -lcomdlg32 -lwindowscodecs
// ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme==
# The leaker known as ImSwordQueen. The leaker of mods while sleeping
// ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include <windef.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#include <dwmapi.h>
#include <D3D9Types.h>
#include <d2d1effects.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wincodec.h>
#define ID_CLOSE 3
#define ID_MAXRES 2
#define ID_MIN 1
#define TYPE_TOOL 2
int (WINAPI *GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig)(int nIndex, UINT dpi);
int WINAPI GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(int nIndex, UINT dpi) {
return GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig(nIndex, dpi);
/* =============================================================================== */
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)(void* pThis);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)(void* pThis, int inset);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)(void* pThis, int inset);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)(void* pThis, int flag);
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)(void* pThis, struct _MARGINS const *);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original;
typedef void (*CText_SetSize_t)(void* pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
CText_SetSize_t CText_SetSize_Original;
typedef void (*CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)(void* pThis, double alpha, struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const *);
CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original;
typedef void (*MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)(unsigned long, long const * const, unsigned int, long, unsigned int, void*);
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)(__int64, long **);
CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)(__int64, char*);
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)(__int64*, volatile int**);
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)(void* pThis, volatile signed __int32 *);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original;
typedef long (*CBitmapSource_Create_t)(struct IWICBitmap*, const struct _MARGINS*, long long **);
CBitmapSource_Create_t CBitmapSource_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)(long long*, const struct tagRECT*, volatile int **);
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CPopInstruction_Create_t)(volatile int **);
CPopInstruction_Create_t CPopInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)(void*, long long**, long long**, void*);
CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)(void*);
CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original;
typedef void (*CText_ReleaseResources_t)(void* pThis);
CText_ReleaseResources_t CText_ReleaseResources_Original;
long long* DesktopManagerInstance = nullptr;
long long (*CButton_DrawStateW_Original)(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState);
long long CButton_DrawStateW_Hook(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState) {
/*Wh_Log(L"We runnin");
if (ButtonState!=4 && *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 328) >= 4u) {
Wh_Log(L"We runnin but inside");
long long v10 = 1;
if ((*(BYTE *)((long long)pThis + 280) & 0x10) == 0) {
v10 = ButtonState;
if ( *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 360) >= 4u ) {
Wh_Log(L"We runnin but double inside");
*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 368) = *(long long *)(*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 336) + 8 * v10);
return CButton_DrawStateW_Original(pThis, CAtlasButton, ButtonState);
void (*CText_SetColor_Original)(void *pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetColor_Hook(void *pThis, unsigned long color) {
color = 0x000000;
return CText_SetColor_Original(pThis, color);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook(void* pThis) {
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original(pThis);
//long retvalue = 0;
long long CVisualInstance = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
MARGINS somemargins = *(struct _MARGINS *)(CVisualInstance + 280);
//Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 19));
double v9 = *((double*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60); // THIS IS HOW YOU USE DESKTOPMANAGERINSTANCE
//Wh_Log(L"%llu", v9);
return retvalue;
long (*CText_ValidateResources_Original)(void* pThis);
long CText_ValidateResources_Hook(void* pThis) {
//return 0;
long retvalue = CText_ValidateResources_Original(pThis);
//long retvalue = 0;
/*DWORD v1 = *((DWORD *)pThis + 20);
if ((v1 & 0x1000)) {
if ( *((unsigned long long *)pThis + 36) ) {
long long* v10 = (long long*)*((long long*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 33);
if (v10) {
HDC hdc = (HDC)*((long long *)v10 + 13);
if (hdc) {
HBITMAP Bitmap = CreateBitmap(512, 30, 1u, 32, 0);
if (Bitmap) {
SelectObject(hdc, Bitmap);
RECT fillbox;
fillbox.left = 0;
fillbox.right = 512;
fillbox.top = 0;
fillbox.bottom = 30;
HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(3, 48, 124));
FillRect(hdc, &fillbox, Brush);
IWICImagingFactory* ImagingFactory = *((IWICImagingFactory**)*DesktopManagerInstance + 39);
IWICBitmap* newBitmap;
ImagingFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(Bitmap, 0, WICBitmapIgnoreAlpha, &newBitmap);
WICPixelFormatGUID test1;
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data1);
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data2);
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data3);
Wh_Log(L"%llu", test1.Data4);
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original(*((long long *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 5), (char *)pThis + 392);
volatile int * createdInstruction = 0;
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original(*((long long **)pThis + 49), &createdInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, createdInstruction);
long long * CBitmapSource = 0;
test.cxLeftWidth = 8;
test.cxRightWidth = 8;
test.cyBottomHeight = 8;
test.cyTopHeight = 8;
CBitmapSource_Create_Original(newBitmap, 0, &CBitmapSource); // CRASHES DWM
Wh_Log(L"does this run1?");
volatile int* CDrawImageInstruction = 0;
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original(CBitmapSource, &fillbox, &CDrawImageInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CDrawImageInstruction);
volatile int* CPopInst = 0;
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CPopInst);
Wh_Log(L"does this run2?");
*((DWORD *)pThis + 20) &= ~0x1000u;
//long retvalue = 0;
return retvalue;
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook(void* pThis) {
return CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original(pThis);
void (*CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original)(void* pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook(void* pThis, unsigned long color) {
return CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original(pThis, color);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook(void* pThis) {
//Wh_Log(L"%i", (int)*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60));
//*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60) = 1;
/*Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 154));
RECT rc = *(struct tagRECT *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 48);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.left);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.right);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.top);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.bottom);*/
//*((DWORD *)pThis + 157) = -20;
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original(pThis);
float *colorData = (float *)*((long long *)pThis + 73);
struct _D3DCOLORVALUE color;
color.a = 0.5;
color.b = colorData[6];
color.g = colorData[5];
color.r = colorData[4];
//Wh_Log(L"%i", *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 152));
/*float v28[4];
v28[0] = 1.0;
v28[1] = 1.0;
v28[2] = 1.0;
long long *v24;
long long *v25;
v24 = 0;
v25 = 0;*/
//CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original(pThis, &v24, &v25, &v28);
return retvalue;
long (*CVisual_SetSize_Original)(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
long CVisual_SetSize_Hook(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE* size) {
return CVisual_SetSize_Original(pThis, size);
bool (__thiscall *CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original)(void *, bool);
bool __thiscall CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook(void *pThis, bool param_1) {
*((float *)pThis + 101) = 1.0;
return CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original(pThis, param_1);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original)(__int64, int, int, int, int*);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook(__int64 pThis, int buttonId, int height, int offsetTop, int* offsetRight) {
typedef DWORD CVisual;
if ( !*(CVisual *)(pThis + 488 + 8 * buttonId) ) { // if this button doesn't exist on the window, return.
return 0;
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*(__int64 *)(pThis + 728) + 324);
//height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
bool isTool;
int TBHeight;
int width;
if ( (*(BYTE *)(pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL) != 0 ) {
isTool = TRUE;
TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)53, (UINT)DPIValue);
else {
isTool = FALSE;
TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue);
if (isTool) {
height = TBHeight;
width = height;
else {
height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 21 / 21) + 0.5);
if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) != 0 ) {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5);
else if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) == 0 ) {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 49 / 21) + 0.5);
else if ((buttonId != ID_MIN || *(long long *)(pThis + 488)) && buttonId) {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 27 / 21) + 0.5);
else {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 29 / 21) + 0.5);
CVisual *buttonData;
buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); // this fetches the address where all the data for the specific button is stored
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = width;
size.cy = height;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(*(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488), offsetTop);
if (buttonData[33] != *offsetRight) {
buttonData[33] = *offsetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(buttonData, 2);
buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488);
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(buttonData, &size);
if (retnvalue < 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC5Cu, 0);
else {
*offsetRight += buttonData[30];
return retnvalue;
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook(void *pThis) {
bool isMaximized = *((BYTE *)pThis + 240) & STATE_MAXIMIZED;
bool isTool = *((BYTE *)pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL;
if (*((long long *)pThis + 60)) {
DWORD *clientData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 68);
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
if (clientData[32] != insetLeft) {
clientData[32] = insetLeft;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151);
if (clientData[34] != insetTop) {
clientData[34] = insetTop;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetRight = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150);
if (clientData[33] != insetRight) {
clientData[33] = insetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetBottom = *((DWORD *)pThis + 152);
if (clientData[35] != insetBottom) {
clientData[35] = insetBottom;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
long *unknown = (long *)*((long long *)pThis + 37);
if (unknown) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original(unknown, (const struct _MARGINS *)(*((long long *)pThis + 68) + 128));
int insetRightNormal = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150);
if (insetRightNormal <= 0) {
// this+91 contains window data
insetRightNormal = *(long long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 96);
long *borderSizeArray;
if (isMaximized) {
borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 644);
else {
borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 628);
int insetRight;
if (insetRightNormal - 2 <= borderSizeArray[1] + 2) {
insetRight = borderSizeArray[1] + 2;
else {
insetRight = insetRightNormal - 2;
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324);
int height;
if (isTool) {
height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(53, DPIValue);
else {
height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2];
if (isTool) {
if (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4 > insetTop) {
insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4;
else if (isMaximized) {
else {
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 3, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 2, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 1, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 0, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
bool hasIcon = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
if (hasIcon) {
__int64 someData = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
int width;
int height;
if (*(long long *)(someData + 136) || (*((long *)pThis + 148) & 0x10000) == 0) {
width = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(49, *(unsigned int *)(someData + 324));
height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(50, *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324));
else {
width = 0;
height = 0;
long long *iconData;
iconData = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = width;
size.cy = height;
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(iconData, &size);
if (retnvalue < 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC08u, 0);
return (unsigned int)retnvalue;
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2] + (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 124) - borderSizeArray[2]) / 2;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(iconData, insetTop);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(iconData, insetLeft);
long iconWidth = *(long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 120);
if (iconWidth > 0) {
insetLeft += iconWidth + 5;
bool hasText = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65);
if (hasText) {
DWORD *textData;
textData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(textData, borderSizeArray[2]);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(textData, insetLeft);
if ( textData[33] != insetRight ) {
textData[33] = insetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(textData, 2);
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = textData[30];
size.cy = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - borderSizeArray[2];
CText_SetSize_Original(textData, &size);
return 0;
BOOL Wh_ModInit(void) {
Wh_Log(L"We're back");
bool already_running = !(*(USHORT*)((long long)NtCurrentTeb() + 0x17EE) & 0x0400);
if (!already_running) {
return FALSE;
HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll");
void* GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi");
Wh_SetFunctionHook(GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr, (void*)GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook, (void**)&GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig);
/* --------------------------- */
HMODULE uDWM = GetModuleHandle(L"uDWM.dll");
if (!uDWM) return FALSE;
WH_FIND_SYMBOL findSymbol;
HANDLE findSymbolHandle = Wh_FindFirstSymbol(uDWM, nullptr, &findSymbol);
if (!findSymbolHandle) {
Wh_Log(L"Wh_FindFirstSymbol failed");
return FALSE;
void* UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = nullptr;
void* CVisualSetSizeAddr = nullptr;
void* PositionsAndSizesAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateColorizationColorAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = nullptr;
void* CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = nullptr;
void* ValidateResourcesAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = nullptr;
void* SetColorAddr = nullptr;
void* DrawStateAddr = nullptr;
do {
if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CButton::UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity(bool)") == 0) {
UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CVisual::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) {
CVisualSetSizeAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes(void)") == 0) {
PositionsAndSizesAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaButton(enum CTopLevelWindow::ButtonType,int,int,int *)") == 0) {
UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateColorizationColor(void)") == 0) {
UpdateColorizationColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaBackground(void)") == 0) {
UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long)") == 0) {
CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CText::ValidateResources(void)") == 0) {
ValidateResourcesAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle(void)") == 0) {
UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetColor(unsigned long)") == 0) {
SetColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CButton::DrawStateW(class CAtlasButton *,enum CButton::ButtonStates)") == 0) {
DrawStateAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::OnAccentPolicyUpdated(void)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"void __cdecl MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast(unsigned long,long const * const,unsigned int,long,unsigned int,void *)") == 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original = (MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentTop(int)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentLeft(int)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual void __cdecl CVisual::SetDirtyFlags(unsigned long)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original = (CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdatePinnedParts(void)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParent(struct _MARGINS const &)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CText::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) {
CText_SetSize_Original = (CText_SetSize_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy::Update(double,struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const &)") == 0) {
CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original = (CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy * *)") == 0) {
CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CMatrixTransformProxy * *)") == 0) {
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPushTransformInstruction::Create(class CBaseTransformProxy *,class CPushTransformInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original = (CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CRenderDataVisual::AddInstruction(class CRenderDataInstruction *)") == 0) {
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original = (CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CBitmapSource::Create(struct IWICBitmap *,struct _MARGINS const *,class CBitmapSource * *)") == 0) {
CBitmapSource_Create_Original = (CBitmapSource_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CDrawImageInstruction::Create(class CBitmapSource *,struct tagRECT const *,class CDrawImageInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original = (CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPopInstruction::Create(class CPopInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CPopInstruction_Create_Original = (CPopInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::GetAccentBlurBehindBrush(class CImageLegacyMilBrushProxy * *,class CCachedVisualImageProxy * *,struct MilPoint3F *)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CText::ReleaseResources(void)") == 0) {
CText_ReleaseResources_Original = (CText_ReleaseResources_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: static class CDesktopManager * CDesktopManager::s_pDesktopManagerInstance") == 0) {
DesktopManagerInstance = (long long*)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
/*else {
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s", findSymbol.symbol);
} while (Wh_FindNextSymbol(findSymbolHandle, &findSymbol));
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr, (void*)CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook, (void**)&CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(CVisualSetSizeAddr, (void*)CVisual_SetSize_Hook, (void**)&CVisual_SetSize_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(PositionsAndSizesAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateColorizationColorAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(ValidateResourcesAddr, (void*)CText_ValidateResources_Hook, (void**)&CText_ValidateResources_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(SetColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(DrawStateAddr, (void*)CButton_DrawStateW_Hook, (void**)&CButton_DrawStateW_Original);
Wh_Log(L"It's over");
return TRUE;
- Restore Windows 8.X Caption Buttons (by Dulappy )
Restores the Windows 8.x style caption buttons (original lengths and heights).
Restores the Windows 8.x style caption buttons (original lengths and heights).
{Mod code}
// ==WindhawkMod==
// @id restore-eight-caption-buttons
// @name Restore Windows 8.X Caption Buttons
// @description This mod restores the caption buttons to their original lengths and heights in Windows 8.X. Works on Windows 10 21H2 (LTSC 2021).
// @version 0.1
// @author Dulappy
// @github https://github.com/Dulappy
// @include dwm.exe
// @architecture x86-64
// @compilerOptions -ldwmapi -lgdi32 -ld2d1 -ldxguid -lcomdlg32 -lwindowscodecs
// ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme==
# Placeholder
// ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include <windef.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#include <dwmapi.h>
#include <D3D9Types.h>
#include <d2d1effects.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wincodec.h>
#define ID_CLOSE 3
#define ID_MAXRES 2
#define ID_MIN 1
#define TYPE_TOOL 2
int (WINAPI *GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig)(int nIndex, UINT dpi);
int WINAPI GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(int nIndex, UINT dpi) {
return GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig(nIndex, dpi);
/* =============================================================================== */
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)(void* pThis);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)(void* pThis, int inset);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)(void* pThis, int inset);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)(void* pThis, int flag);
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)(void* pThis, struct _MARGINS const *);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original;
typedef void (*CText_SetSize_t)(void* pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
CText_SetSize_t CText_SetSize_Original;
typedef void (*CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)(void* pThis, double alpha, struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const *);
CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original;
typedef void (*MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)(unsigned long, long const * const, unsigned int, long, unsigned int, void*);
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)(__int64, long **);
CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)(__int64, char*);
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)(__int64*, volatile int**);
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)(void* pThis, volatile signed __int32 *);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original;
typedef long (*CBitmapSource_Create_t)(struct IWICBitmap*, const struct _MARGINS*, long long **);
CBitmapSource_Create_t CBitmapSource_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)(long long*, const struct tagRECT*, volatile int **);
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CPopInstruction_Create_t)(volatile int **);
CPopInstruction_Create_t CPopInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)(void*, long long**, long long**, void*);
CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)(void*);
CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original;
typedef void (*CText_ReleaseResources_t)(void* pThis);
CText_ReleaseResources_t CText_ReleaseResources_Original;
long long* DesktopManagerInstance = nullptr;
bool (*CTopLevelWindow_TreatAsActiveWindow_Original)(void);
bool CTopLevelWindow_TreatAsActiveWindow_Hook(void) {
return TRUE;
long long (*CButton_DrawStateW_Original)(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState);
long long CButton_DrawStateW_Hook(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState) {
/*Wh_Log(L"We runnin");
if (ButtonState!=4 && *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 328) >= 4u) {
Wh_Log(L"We runnin but inside");
long long v10 = 1;
if ((*(BYTE *)((long long)pThis + 280) & 0x10) == 0) {
v10 = ButtonState;
if ( *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 360) >= 4u ) {
Wh_Log(L"We runnin but double inside");
*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 368) = *(long long *)(*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 336) + 8 * v10);
return CButton_DrawStateW_Original(pThis, CAtlasButton, ButtonState);
void (*CText_SetColor_Original)(void *pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetColor_Hook(void *pThis, unsigned long color) {
color = 0x000000;
return CText_SetColor_Original(pThis, color);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook(void* pThis) {
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original(pThis);
//long retvalue = 0;
long long CVisualInstance = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
MARGINS somemargins = *(struct _MARGINS *)(CVisualInstance + 280);
//Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 19));
double v9 = *((double*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60); // THIS IS HOW YOU USE DESKTOPMANAGERINSTANCE
//Wh_Log(L"%llu", v9);
return retvalue;
long (*CText_ValidateResources_Original)(void* pThis);
long CText_ValidateResources_Hook(void* pThis) {
//return 0;
long retvalue = CText_ValidateResources_Original(pThis);
//long retvalue = 0;
/*DWORD v1 = *((DWORD *)pThis + 20);
if ((v1 & 0x1000)) {
if ( *((unsigned long long *)pThis + 36) ) {
long long* v10 = (long long*)*((long long*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 33);
if (v10) {
HDC hdc = (HDC)*((long long *)v10 + 13);
if (hdc) {
HBITMAP Bitmap = CreateBitmap(512, 30, 1u, 32, 0);
if (Bitmap) {
SelectObject(hdc, Bitmap);
RECT fillbox;
fillbox.left = 0;
fillbox.right = 512;
fillbox.top = 0;
fillbox.bottom = 30;
HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(3, 48, 124));
FillRect(hdc, &fillbox, Brush);
IWICImagingFactory* ImagingFactory = *((IWICImagingFactory**)*DesktopManagerInstance + 39);
IWICBitmap* newBitmap;
ImagingFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(Bitmap, 0, WICBitmapIgnoreAlpha, &newBitmap);
WICPixelFormatGUID test1;
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data1);
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data2);
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data3);
Wh_Log(L"%llu", test1.Data4);
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original(*((long long *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 5), (char *)pThis + 392);
volatile int * createdInstruction = 0;
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original(*((long long **)pThis + 49), &createdInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, createdInstruction);
long long * CBitmapSource = 0;
test.cxLeftWidth = 8;
test.cxRightWidth = 8;
test.cyBottomHeight = 8;
test.cyTopHeight = 8;
CBitmapSource_Create_Original(newBitmap, 0, &CBitmapSource); // CRASHES DWM
Wh_Log(L"does this run1?");
volatile int* CDrawImageInstruction = 0;
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original(CBitmapSource, &fillbox, &CDrawImageInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CDrawImageInstruction);
volatile int* CPopInst = 0;
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CPopInst);
Wh_Log(L"does this run2?");
*((DWORD *)pThis + 20) &= ~0x1000u;
//long retvalue = 0;
return retvalue;
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook(void* pThis) {
return CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original(pThis);
void (*CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original)(void* pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook(void* pThis, unsigned long color) {
return CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original(pThis, color);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook(void* pThis) {
//Wh_Log(L"%i", (int)*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60));
//*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60) = 1;
/*Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 154));
RECT rc = *(struct tagRECT *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 48);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.left);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.right);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.top);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.bottom);*/
//*((DWORD *)pThis + 157) = -20;
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original(pThis);
float *colorData = (float *)*((long long *)pThis + 73);
struct _D3DCOLORVALUE color;
color.a = 0.5;
color.b = colorData[6];
color.g = colorData[5];
color.r = colorData[4];
//Wh_Log(L"%i", *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 152));
/*float v28[4];
v28[0] = 1.0;
v28[1] = 1.0;
v28[2] = 1.0;
long long *v24;
long long *v25;
v24 = 0;
v25 = 0;*/
//CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original(pThis, &v24, &v25, &v28);
return retvalue;
long (*CVisual_SetSize_Original)(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
long CVisual_SetSize_Hook(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE* size) {
return CVisual_SetSize_Original(pThis, size);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original)(__int64, int, int, int, int*);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook(__int64 pThis, int buttonId, int height, int offsetTop, int* offsetRight) {
typedef DWORD CVisual;
if ( !*(CVisual *)(pThis + 488 + 8 * buttonId) ) { // if this button doesn't exist on the window, return.
return 0;
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*(__int64 *)(pThis + 728) + 324);
//height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
bool isTool;
int TBHeight;
int width;
if ( (*(BYTE *)(pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL) != 0 ) {
isTool = TRUE;
TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)53, (UINT)DPIValue);
else {
isTool = FALSE;
TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue);
if (isTool) {
height = TBHeight;
width = height;
else {
height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 21 / 22) + 0.5);
if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) != 0 ) {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 47 / 22) + 0.5);
else if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) == 0 ) {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 34 / 22) + 0.5);
else if ((buttonId != ID_MIN || *(long long *)(pThis + 488)) && buttonId) {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 26 / 22) + 0.5);
else {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 29 / 22) + 0.5);
CVisual *buttonData;
buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); // this fetches the address where all the data for the specific button is stored
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = width;
size.cy = height;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(*(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488), offsetTop);
if (buttonData[33] != *offsetRight) {
buttonData[33] = *offsetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(buttonData, 2);
buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488);
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(buttonData, &size);
if (retnvalue < 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC5Cu, 0);
else {
*offsetRight += buttonData[30];
return retnvalue;
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook(void *pThis) {
bool isMaximized = *((BYTE *)pThis + 240) & STATE_MAXIMIZED;
bool isTool = *((BYTE *)pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL;
if (*((long long *)pThis + 60)) {
DWORD *clientData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 68);
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
if (clientData[32] != insetLeft) {
clientData[32] = insetLeft;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151);
if (clientData[34] != insetTop) {
clientData[34] = insetTop;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetRight = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150);
if (clientData[33] != insetRight) {
clientData[33] = insetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetBottom = *((DWORD *)pThis + 152);
if (clientData[35] != insetBottom) {
clientData[35] = insetBottom;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
long *unknown = (long *)*((long long *)pThis + 37);
if (unknown) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original(unknown, (const struct _MARGINS *)(*((long long *)pThis + 68) + 128));
int insetRightNormal = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150);
if (insetRightNormal <= 0) {
// this+91 contains window data
insetRightNormal = *(long long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 96);
long *borderSizeArray;
if (isMaximized) {
borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 644);
else {
borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 628);
int insetRight;
if (insetRightNormal - 2 <= borderSizeArray[1] + 2) {
insetRight = borderSizeArray[1] + 2;
else {
insetRight = insetRightNormal - 2;
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324);
int height;
if (isTool) {
height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(53, DPIValue);
else {
height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2];
if (isTool) {
if (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4 > insetTop) {
insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4;
else if (isMaximized) {
else {
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 3, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 2, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 1, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 0, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
bool hasIcon = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
if (hasIcon) {
__int64 someData = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
int width;
int height;
if (*(long long *)(someData + 136) || (*((long *)pThis + 148) & 0x10000) == 0) {
width = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(49, *(unsigned int *)(someData + 324));
height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(50, *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324));
else {
width = 0;
height = 0;
long long *iconData;
iconData = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = width;
size.cy = height;
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(iconData, &size);
if (retnvalue < 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC08u, 0);
return (unsigned int)retnvalue;
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2] + (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 124) - borderSizeArray[2]) / 2;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(iconData, insetTop);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(iconData, insetLeft);
long iconWidth = *(long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 120);
if (iconWidth > 0) {
insetLeft += iconWidth + 5;
bool hasText = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65);
if (hasText) {
DWORD *textData;
textData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(textData, borderSizeArray[2]);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(textData, insetLeft);
if ( textData[33] != insetRight ) {
textData[33] = insetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(textData, 2);
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = textData[30];
size.cy = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - borderSizeArray[2];
CText_SetSize_Original(textData, &size);
return 0;
BOOL Wh_ModInit(void) {
Wh_Log(L"We're back");
bool already_running = !(*(USHORT*)((long long)NtCurrentTeb() + 0x17EE) & 0x0400);
if (!already_running) {
return FALSE;
HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll");
void* GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi");
Wh_SetFunctionHook(GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr, (void*)GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook, (void**)&GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig);
/* --------------------------- */
HMODULE uDWM = GetModuleHandle(L"uDWM.dll");
if (!uDWM) return FALSE;
WH_FIND_SYMBOL findSymbol;
HANDLE findSymbolHandle = Wh_FindFirstSymbol(uDWM, nullptr, &findSymbol);
if (!findSymbolHandle) {
Wh_Log(L"Wh_FindFirstSymbol failed");
return FALSE;
void* TreatAsActiveWindowAddr = nullptr;
void* CVisualSetSizeAddr = nullptr;
void* PositionsAndSizesAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateColorizationColorAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = nullptr;
void* CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = nullptr;
void* ValidateResourcesAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = nullptr;
void* SetColorAddr = nullptr;
void* DrawStateAddr = nullptr;
do {
if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::TreatAsActiveWindow(void)") == 0) {
TreatAsActiveWindowAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CVisual::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) {
CVisualSetSizeAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes(void)") == 0) {
PositionsAndSizesAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaButton(enum CTopLevelWindow::ButtonType,int,int,int *)") == 0) {
UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateColorizationColor(void)") == 0) {
UpdateColorizationColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaBackground(void)") == 0) {
UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long)") == 0) {
CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CText::ValidateResources(void)") == 0) {
ValidateResourcesAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle(void)") == 0) {
UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetColor(unsigned long)") == 0) {
SetColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CButton::DrawStateW(class CAtlasButton *,enum CButton::ButtonStates)") == 0) {
DrawStateAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::OnAccentPolicyUpdated(void)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"void __cdecl MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast(unsigned long,long const * const,unsigned int,long,unsigned int,void *)") == 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original = (MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentTop(int)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentLeft(int)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual void __cdecl CVisual::SetDirtyFlags(unsigned long)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original = (CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdatePinnedParts(void)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParent(struct _MARGINS const &)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CText::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) {
CText_SetSize_Original = (CText_SetSize_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy::Update(double,struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const &)") == 0) {
CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original = (CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy * *)") == 0) {
CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CMatrixTransformProxy * *)") == 0) {
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPushTransformInstruction::Create(class CBaseTransformProxy *,class CPushTransformInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original = (CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CRenderDataVisual::AddInstruction(class CRenderDataInstruction *)") == 0) {
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original = (CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CBitmapSource::Create(struct IWICBitmap *,struct _MARGINS const *,class CBitmapSource * *)") == 0) {
CBitmapSource_Create_Original = (CBitmapSource_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CDrawImageInstruction::Create(class CBitmapSource *,struct tagRECT const *,class CDrawImageInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original = (CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPopInstruction::Create(class CPopInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CPopInstruction_Create_Original = (CPopInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::GetAccentBlurBehindBrush(class CImageLegacyMilBrushProxy * *,class CCachedVisualImageProxy * *,struct MilPoint3F *)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CText::ReleaseResources(void)") == 0) {
CText_ReleaseResources_Original = (CText_ReleaseResources_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: static class CDesktopManager * CDesktopManager::s_pDesktopManagerInstance") == 0) {
DesktopManagerInstance = (long long*)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
/*else {
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s", findSymbol.symbol);
} while (Wh_FindNextSymbol(findSymbolHandle, &findSymbol));
Wh_SetFunctionHook(TreatAsActiveWindowAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_TreatAsActiveWindow_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_TreatAsActiveWindow_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(CVisualSetSizeAddr, (void*)CVisual_SetSize_Hook, (void**)&CVisual_SetSize_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(PositionsAndSizesAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateColorizationColorAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(ValidateResourcesAddr, (void*)CText_ValidateResources_Hook, (void**)&CText_ValidateResources_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(SetColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(DrawStateAddr, (void*)CButton_DrawStateW_Hook, (void**)&CButton_DrawStateW_Original);
Wh_Log(L"It's over");
return TRUE;
- Square Caption Buttons (by catalyst )
Restores the Windows XP/Classic theme style caption buttons (original lengths and heights). This mod is based on the Restore Windows 8.X Caption Buttons mod by Dulappy .{Mod code}
It still needs to be confirmed whether the proportions are exactly the same as in Windows XP or in the classic theme.// ==WindhawkMod==
// @id restore-classic-caption-buttons
// @name Square Caption Buttons (was 8.X Caption buttons)
// @description This mod restores the caption buttons to their original lengths and heights in Windows Classic and XP. Works on Windows 10 21H2 (LTSC 2021).
// @version 0.1
// @author Dulappy
// @github https://github.com/Dulappy
// @include dwm.exe
// @architecture x86-64
// @compilerOptions -ldwmapi -lgdi32 -ld2d1 -ldxguid -lcomdlg32 -lwindowscodecs
// ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModReadme==
# Placeholder
// ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include <windef.h>
#include <wingdi.h>
#include <dwmapi.h>
#include <D3D9Types.h>
#include <d2d1effects.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <wincodec.h>
#define ID_CLOSE 3
#define ID_MAXRES 2
#define ID_MIN 1
#define TYPE_TOOL 2
int (WINAPI *GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig)(int nIndex, UINT dpi);
int WINAPI GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(int nIndex, UINT dpi) {
return GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig(nIndex, dpi);
/* =============================================================================== */
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)(void* pThis);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)(void* pThis, int inset);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)(void* pThis, int inset);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)(void* pThis, int flag);
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original;
typedef void (*CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)(void* pThis, struct _MARGINS const *);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original;
typedef void (*CText_SetSize_t)(void* pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
CText_SetSize_t CText_SetSize_Original;
typedef void (*CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)(void* pThis, double alpha, struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const *);
CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original;
typedef void (*MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)(unsigned long, long const * const, unsigned int, long, unsigned int, void*);
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)(__int64, long **);
CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)(__int64, char*);
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original;
typedef long (*CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)(__int64*, volatile int**);
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)(void* pThis, volatile signed __int32 *);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original;
typedef long (*CBitmapSource_Create_t)(struct IWICBitmap*, const struct _MARGINS*, long long **);
CBitmapSource_Create_t CBitmapSource_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)(long long*, const struct tagRECT*, volatile int **);
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef long (*CPopInstruction_Create_t)(volatile int **);
CPopInstruction_Create_t CPopInstruction_Create_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)(void*, long long**, long long**, void*);
CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original;
typedef void (*CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)(void*);
CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original;
typedef void (*CText_ReleaseResources_t)(void* pThis);
CText_ReleaseResources_t CText_ReleaseResources_Original;
long long* DesktopManagerInstance = nullptr;
bool (*CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original)(void *, bool);
bool CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook(void *pThis, bool b) {
*((float *)pThis + 101) = 1.0f;
return CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original(pThis, b);
long long (*CButton_DrawStateW_Original)(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState);
long long CButton_DrawStateW_Hook(void* pThis, void* CAtlasButton, UINT ButtonState) {
/*Wh_Log(L"We runnin");
if (ButtonState!=4 && *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 328) >= 4u) {
Wh_Log(L"We runnin but inside");
long long v10 = 1;
if ((*(BYTE *)((long long)pThis + 280) & 0x10) == 0) {
v10 = ButtonState;
if ( *(DWORD *)((long long)pThis + 360) >= 4u ) {
Wh_Log(L"We runnin but double inside");
*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 368) = *(long long *)(*(long long *)((long long)pThis + 336) + 8 * v10);
return CButton_DrawStateW_Original(pThis, CAtlasButton, ButtonState);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook(void* pThis) {
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original(pThis);
//long retvalue = 0;
long long CVisualInstance = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
MARGINS somemargins = *(struct _MARGINS *)(CVisualInstance + 280);
//Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 19));
double v9 = *((double*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60); // THIS IS HOW YOU USE DESKTOPMANAGERINSTANCE
//Wh_Log(L"%llu", v9);
return retvalue;
long (*CText_ValidateResources_Original)(void* pThis);
long CText_ValidateResources_Hook(void* pThis) {
//return 0;
long retvalue = CText_ValidateResources_Original(pThis);
//long retvalue = 0;
/*DWORD v1 = *((DWORD *)pThis + 20);
if ((v1 & 0x1000)) {
if ( *((unsigned long long *)pThis + 36) ) {
long long* v10 = (long long*)*((long long*)*DesktopManagerInstance + 33);
if (v10) {
HDC hdc = (HDC)*((long long *)v10 + 13);
if (hdc) {
HBITMAP Bitmap = CreateBitmap(512, 30, 1u, 32, 0);
if (Bitmap) {
SelectObject(hdc, Bitmap);
RECT fillbox;
fillbox.left = 0;
fillbox.right = 512;
fillbox.top = 0;
fillbox.bottom = 30;
HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(3, 48, 124));
FillRect(hdc, &fillbox, Brush);
IWICImagingFactory* ImagingFactory = *((IWICImagingFactory**)*DesktopManagerInstance + 39);
IWICBitmap* newBitmap;
ImagingFactory->CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(Bitmap, 0, WICBitmapIgnoreAlpha, &newBitmap);
WICPixelFormatGUID test1;
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data1);
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data2);
Wh_Log(L"%i", test1.Data3);
Wh_Log(L"%llu", test1.Data4);
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original(*((long long *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 5), (char *)pThis + 392);
volatile int * createdInstruction = 0;
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original(*((long long **)pThis + 49), &createdInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, createdInstruction);
long long * CBitmapSource = 0;
test.cxLeftWidth = 8;
test.cxRightWidth = 8;
test.cyBottomHeight = 8;
test.cyTopHeight = 8;
CBitmapSource_Create_Original(newBitmap, 0, &CBitmapSource); // CRASHES DWM
Wh_Log(L"does this run1?");
volatile int* CDrawImageInstruction = 0;
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original(CBitmapSource, &fillbox, &CDrawImageInstruction);
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CDrawImageInstruction);
volatile int* CPopInst = 0;
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original(pThis, CPopInst);
Wh_Log(L"does this run2?");
*((DWORD *)pThis + 20) &= ~0x1000u;
//long retvalue = 0;
return retvalue;
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook(void* pThis) {
return CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original(pThis);
void (*CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original)(void* pThis, unsigned long color);
void CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook(void* pThis, unsigned long color) {
return CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original(pThis, color);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook(void* pThis) {
//Wh_Log(L"%i", (int)*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60));
//*((double *)*DesktopManagerInstance + 60) = 1;
/*Wh_Log(L"%i", *((DWORD *)pThis + 154));
RECT rc = *(struct tagRECT *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 48);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.left);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.right);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.top);
Wh_Log(L"%i", rc.bottom);*/
//*((DWORD *)pThis + 157) = -20;
long retvalue = CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original(pThis);
float *colorData = (float *)*((long long *)pThis + 73);
struct _D3DCOLORVALUE color;
color.a = 0.5;
color.b = colorData[6];
color.g = colorData[5];
color.r = colorData[4];
//Wh_Log(L"%i", *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 152));
/*float v28[4];
v28[0] = 1.0;
v28[1] = 1.0;
v28[2] = 1.0;
long long *v24;
long long *v25;
v24 = 0;
v25 = 0;*/
//CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original(pThis, &v24, &v25, &v28);
return retvalue;
long (*CVisual_SetSize_Original)(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE const *);
long CVisual_SetSize_Hook(PVOID pThis, struct tagSIZE* size) {
return CVisual_SetSize_Original(pThis, size);
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original)(__int64, int, int, int, int*);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook(__int64 pThis, int buttonId, int height, int offsetTop, int* offsetRight) {
typedef DWORD CVisual;
if ( !*(CVisual *)(pThis + 488 + 8 * buttonId) ) { // if this button doesn't exist on the window, return.
return 0;
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*(__int64 *)(pThis + 728) + 324);
//height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
bool isTool;
int TBHeight;
int width;
if ( (*(BYTE *)(pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL) != 0 ) {
isTool = TRUE;
TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)53, (UINT)DPIValue);
else {
isTool = FALSE;
TBHeight = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue);
if (isTool)
height = TBHeight;
width = height;
//height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 21 / 22) + 0.5);
height = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 23 / 22) + 2.0);
if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) != 0 )
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 23 / 22) + 2.0);
//width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 47 / 22) + 0.5);
else if (buttonId==ID_CLOSE && (*(DWORD *)(pThis + 592) & 0xB00) == 0 )
//width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 24 / 22) + 0.5);
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 23 / 22) + 2.0);
else if ((buttonId != ID_MIN || *(long long *)(pThis + 488)) && buttonId) {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 23 / 22) + 1.0);
//width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 26 / 22) + 0.5);
else {
width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 23 / 22) + 1.0);
//width = floor((float)((float)TBHeight * 29 / 22) + 0.5);
CVisual *buttonData;
buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488); // this fetches the address where all the data for the specific button is stored
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = width;
size.cy = height;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(*(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488), offsetTop);
if (buttonData[33] != *offsetRight) {
buttonData[33] = *offsetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(buttonData, 2);
buttonData = *(CVisual**)(pThis + 8 * buttonId + 488);
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(buttonData, &size);
if (retnvalue < 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC5Cu, 0);
else {
*offsetRight += buttonData[30];
return retnvalue;
long (*CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original)(void* pThis);
long CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook(void *pThis) {
bool isMaximized = *((BYTE *)pThis + 240) & STATE_MAXIMIZED;
bool isTool = *((BYTE *)pThis + 592) & TYPE_TOOL;
if (*((long long *)pThis + 60)) {
DWORD *clientData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 68);
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
if (clientData[32] != insetLeft) {
clientData[32] = insetLeft;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151);
if (clientData[34] != insetTop) {
clientData[34] = insetTop;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetRight = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150);
if (clientData[33] != insetRight) {
clientData[33] = insetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
int insetBottom = *((DWORD *)pThis + 152);
if (clientData[35] != insetBottom) {
clientData[35] = insetBottom;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(clientData, 2);
long *unknown = (long *)*((long long *)pThis + 37);
if (unknown) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original(unknown, (const struct _MARGINS *)(*((long long *)pThis + 68) + 128));
int insetRightNormal = *((DWORD *)pThis + 150);
if (insetRightNormal <= 0) {
// this+91 contains window data
insetRightNormal = *(long long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 96);
long *borderSizeArray;
if (isMaximized) {
borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 644);
else {
borderSizeArray = (long *)((char *)pThis + 628);
int insetRight;
if (insetRightNormal - 2 <= borderSizeArray[1] + 2) {
insetRight = borderSizeArray[1] + 2;
else {
insetRight = insetRightNormal - 2;
int insetLeft = *((DWORD *)pThis + 149);
__int64 DPIValue = *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324);
int height;
if (isTool) {
height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(53, DPIValue);
else {
height = floor((float)(GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook((int)31, (UINT)DPIValue)) * 0.95238096) + 0.5;
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2];
if (isTool) {
if (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4 > insetTop) {
insetTop = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - height - 4;
else if (isMaximized) {
else {
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 3, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 2, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 1, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook((long long)pThis, 0, height, insetTop, &insetRight);
bool hasIcon = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
if (hasIcon) {
__int64 someData = *((long long *)pThis + 91);
int width;
int height;
if (*(long long *)(someData + 136) || (*((long *)pThis + 148) & 0x10000) == 0) {
width = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(49, *(unsigned int *)(someData + 324));
height = GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook(50, *(unsigned int *)(*((long long *)pThis + 91) + 324));
else {
width = 0;
height = 0;
long long *iconData;
iconData = (__int64 *)*((long long *)pThis + 66);
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = width;
size.cy = height;
long retnvalue = CVisual_SetSize_Original(iconData, &size);
if (retnvalue < 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original(0x14u, 0, 0, retnvalue, 0xC08u, 0);
return (unsigned int)retnvalue;
int insetTop = borderSizeArray[2] + (*((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - *(DWORD *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 124) - borderSizeArray[2]) / 2;
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(iconData, insetTop);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(iconData, insetLeft);
long iconWidth = *(long *)(*((long long *)pThis + 66) + 120);
if (iconWidth > 0) {
insetLeft += iconWidth + 5;
bool hasText = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65);
if (hasText) {
DWORD *textData;
textData = (DWORD *)*((long long *)pThis + 65);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original(textData, borderSizeArray[2]);
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original(textData, insetLeft);
if ( textData[33] != insetRight ) {
textData[33] = insetRight;
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original(textData, 2);
struct tagSIZE size;
size.cx = textData[30];
size.cy = *((DWORD *)pThis + 151) - borderSizeArray[2];
CText_SetSize_Original(textData, &size);
return 0;
BOOL Wh_ModInit(void) {
Wh_Log(L"We're back");
bool already_running = !(*(USHORT*)((long long)NtCurrentTeb() + 0x17EE) & 0x0400);
if (!already_running) {
return FALSE;
HMODULE hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(L"user32.dll");
void* GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr = (void*)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "GetSystemMetricsForDpi");
Wh_SetFunctionHook(GetSystemMetricsForDpiAddr, (void*)GetSystemMetricsForDpiHook, (void**)&GetSystemMetricsForDpiOrig);
/* --------------------------- */
HMODULE uDWM = GetModuleHandle(L"uDWM.dll");
if (!uDWM) return FALSE;
WH_FIND_SYMBOL findSymbol;
HANDLE findSymbolHandle = Wh_FindFirstSymbol(uDWM, nullptr, &findSymbol);
if (!findSymbolHandle) {
Wh_Log(L"Wh_FindFirstSymbol failed");
return FALSE;
void* UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = nullptr;
void* CVisualSetSizeAddr = nullptr;
void* PositionsAndSizesAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateColorizationColorAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = nullptr;
void* CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = nullptr;
void* ValidateResourcesAddr = nullptr;
void* UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = nullptr;
void* SetColorAddr = nullptr;
void* DrawStateAddr = nullptr;
do {
if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CButton::UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity(bool)") == 0) {
UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CVisual::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) {
CVisualSetSizeAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes(void)") == 0) {
PositionsAndSizesAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaButton(enum CTopLevelWindow::ButtonType,int,int,int *)") == 0) {
UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateColorizationColor(void)") == 0) {
UpdateColorizationColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateNCAreaBackground(void)") == 0) {
UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long)") == 0) {
CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CText::ValidateResources(void)") == 0) {
ValidateResourcesAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: bool __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle(void)") == 0) {
UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CText::SetColor(unsigned long)") == 0) {
SetColorAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CButton::DrawStateW(class CAtlasButton *,enum CButton::ButtonStates)") == 0) {
DrawStateAddr = findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::OnAccentPolicyUpdated(void)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_OnAccentPolicyUpdated_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"void __cdecl MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast(unsigned long,long const * const,unsigned int,long,unsigned int,void *)") == 0) {
MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_Original = (MilInstrumentationCheckHR_MaybeFailFast_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentTop(int)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentTop_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParentLeft(int)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParentLeft_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual void __cdecl CVisual::SetDirtyFlags(unsigned long)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_Original = (CVisual_SetDirtyFlags_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::UpdatePinnedParts(void)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_UpdatePinnedParts_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: void __cdecl CVisual::SetInsetFromParent(struct _MARGINS const &)") == 0) {
CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_Original = (CVisual_SetInsetFromParent_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: virtual long __cdecl CText::SetSize(struct tagSIZE const *)") == 0) {
CText_SetSize_Original = (CText_SetSize_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy::Update(double,struct _D3DCOLORVALUE const &)") == 0) {
CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_Original = (CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy_Update_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CSolidColorLegacyMilBrushProxy * *)") == 0) {
CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMilBrushProxy_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"protected: long __cdecl CCompositor::CreateProxy(class CMatrixTransformProxy * *)") == 0) {
CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_Original = (CCompositor_CreateMatrixTransformProxy_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPushTransformInstruction::Create(class CBaseTransformProxy *,class CPushTransformInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CPushTransformInstruction_Create_Original = (CPushTransformInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CRenderDataVisual::AddInstruction(class CRenderDataInstruction *)") == 0) {
CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_Original = (CRenderDataVisual_AddInstruction_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CBitmapSource::Create(struct IWICBitmap *,struct _MARGINS const *,class CBitmapSource * *)") == 0) {
CBitmapSource_Create_Original = (CBitmapSource_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CDrawImageInstruction::Create(class CBitmapSource *,struct tagRECT const *,class CDrawImageInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CDrawImageInstruction_Create_Original = (CDrawImageInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: static long __cdecl CPopInstruction::Create(class CPopInstruction * *)") == 0) {
CPopInstruction_Create_Original = (CPopInstruction_Create_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"public: long __cdecl CTopLevelWindow::GetAccentBlurBehindBrush(class CImageLegacyMilBrushProxy * *,class CCachedVisualImageProxy * *,struct MilPoint3F *)") == 0) {
CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_Original = (CTopLevelWindow_GetAccentBlurBehindBrush_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: void __cdecl CText::ReleaseResources(void)") == 0) {
CText_ReleaseResources_Original = (CText_ReleaseResources_t)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
else if (_wcsicmp(findSymbol.symbol, L"private: static class CDesktopManager * CDesktopManager::s_pDesktopManagerInstance") == 0) {
DesktopManagerInstance = (long long*)findSymbol.address;
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s, Addr: %i", findSymbol.symbol, findSymbol.address);
/*else {
Wh_Log(L"symbol: %s", findSymbol.symbol);
} while (Wh_FindNextSymbol(findSymbolHandle, &findSymbol));
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacityAddr, (void*)CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Hook, (void**)&CButton__UpdateCurrentGlyphOpacity_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(CVisualSetSizeAddr, (void*)CVisual_SetSize_Hook, (void**)&CVisual_SetSize_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(PositionsAndSizesAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaPositionsAndSizes_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaButtonAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaButton_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateColorizationColorAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateColorizationColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateNCAreaBackgroundAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateNCAreaBackground_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(CTextSetBackgroundColorAddr, (void*)CText_SetBackgroundColor_Hook, (void**)&CText_SetBackgroundColor_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(ValidateResourcesAddr, (void*)CText_ValidateResources_Hook, (void**)&CText_ValidateResources_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyleAddr, (void*)CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Hook, (void**)&CTopLevelWindow_UpdateMarginsDependentOnStyle_Original);
Wh_SetFunctionHook(DrawStateAddr, (void*)CButton_DrawStateW_Hook, (void**)&CButton_DrawStateW_Original);
Wh_Log(L"It's over");
return TRUE;