Post by TechSalt on Nov 9, 2021 7:54:23 GMT -8
Hello, i just found something very interesting. While trying to find a way to remove the navigation bar with the registry, i found something EVEN more interesting while searching for ExplorerFrame.dll. It is the classic address bar. When i found it in the registry, this instantly blew up my mind, so i decided to Google the registry key for toolbars in Internet Explorer. To enable it, go to the following registry ley: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
And add a REG_Binary value named: {01E04581-4EEE-11d0-BFE9-00AA005B4383} When added, open a new explorer window. Right click the menu bar and click Address. However, there is a disadvantage where the folder does NOT sync.
Post by TechSalt on Nov 9, 2021 7:56:16 GMT -8
However, you can type anything (like C:\) to enter it. Even control panel.
Post by TechSalt on Nov 9, 2021 10:09:52 GMT -8
Same goes for Links:
{0E5CBF21-D15F-11d0-8301-00AA005B4383} Standard Buttons is not a CLSID, so it cannot be added as toolbar.
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Post by gcomputzide on Nov 9, 2021 13:18:29 GMT -8
There's also similar or duplicate version out of Links.
Post by travis on Nov 9, 2021 15:20:23 GMT -8
Hello, i just found something very interesting. While trying to find a way to remove the navigation bar with the registry, i found something EVEN more interesting while searching for ExplorerFrame.dll. It is the classic address bar. <button disabled="" class="c-attachment-insert--linked o-btn--sm">Attachment Deleted</button> When i found it in the registry, this instantly blew up my mind, so i decided to Google the registry key for toolbars in Internet Explorer. To enable it, go to the following registry ley: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
And add a REG_Binary value named: {01E04581-4EEE-11d0-BFE9-00AA005B4383} When added, open a new explorer window. Right click the menu bar and click Address. However, there is a disadvantage where the folder does NOT sync. I hope there's a way to remove the refresh button
Post by ihatemetro on Nov 9, 2021 16:21:55 GMT -8
Hello, i just found something very interesting. While trying to find a way to remove the navigation bar with the registry, i found something EVEN more interesting while searching for ExplorerFrame.dll. It is the classic address bar. <button disabled="" class="c-attachment-insert--linked o-btn--sm">Attachment Deleted</button> When i found it in the registry, this instantly blew up my mind, so i decided to Google the registry key for toolbars in Internet Explorer. To enable it, go to the following registry ley: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
And add a REG_Binary value named: {01E04581-4EEE-11d0-BFE9-00AA005B4383} When added, open a new explorer window. Right click the menu bar and click Address. However, there is a disadvantage where the folder does NOT sync. I hope there's a way to remove the refresh button Just modify explorerframe.dll.
Post by R.O.B. on Nov 9, 2021 22:54:22 GMT -8
The "folder sync" issue can be fixed with AutoHotKey. While you're at it, the StaticEdge style can be removed to make it a bit more accurate. Gui +LastFound hWnd := WinExist() SetControlDelay, -1 SetBatchLines -1 DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd ) MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" ) OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" ) ;OnMessage( WM_KEYDOWN:=0x100, "ShellKeyDown" ) Return ShellMessage(wParam,lParam) { WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %lParam% if (WinClass = "CabinetWClass") { ControlGet, NavBarParent, Hwnd, , WorkerW1, ahk_id %lParam% ControlGet, NavBarAddressBandRoot, Hwnd, , Address Band Root1, ahk_id %NavBarParent% ControlGet, ClassicAddressBandRoot, Hwnd, , Address Band Root2, ahk_id %lParam%
CabStateRegPath := "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CabinetState"
ControlGetText, fPath, ToolbarWindow321, ahk_id %NavBarAddressBandRoot%
RegRead, FullAddressPath, %CabStateRegPath%, FullPathAddress if (ErrorLevel) FullAddressPath := 1
if (FullAddressPath >= 1) { ;StringTrimLeft, FolderPathStr, FolderPath, 9 AddressBarPath := GetFolderPath(fPath)
} else { ControlGetText, AddressBarPath, ShellTabWindowClass1, ahk_id %lParam% }
Loop, 3 { ControlSetText, Edit1, %AddressBarPath%, ahk_id %ClassicAddressBandRoot% } Control, ExStyle, -0x00020000, msctls_progress321, ahk_id %ClassicAddressBandRoot% } }
GetFolderPath(fPath) { ; English (US) English (Canada) English (UK) English (Australia) English (New Zealand) if(A_Language = "0409" or A_Language = "1009" or A_Language = "0809" or A_Language = "0C09" or A_Language = "1409") AddressLabel := "Address: " ; Tested
; Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Spain) Spanish Tr. (Spain) Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) else if(A_Language = "080A" or A_Language = "0C0A" A_Language = "040A" or A_Language = "0416" or A_Language = "0816") AddressLabel := "Dirección: "
; French (France) French (Canada) French (Switzerland) German (Germany) German (Austria) German (Switzerland) Norwegian (Bokml) Norwegian (Nynorsk) Danish else if(A_Language = "040C" or A_Language = "0C0C" or A_Language = "100C" or A_Language = "0407" or A_Language = "0C07" or A_Language = "0807" or A_Language = "0414" or A_Language = "0814" or A_Language = "0406") ; This one sure covers a lot! AddressLabel := "Adresse: "
; Russian (Russia) Russia (Moldova) else if(A_Language = "0419" or A_Language = "0819") AddressLabel := "Адрес: "
; Simplified Chinese else if(A_Language = "0804") AddressLabel := "地址: "
; Japanese (Japan) else if(A_Language = "0411") AddressLabel := "アドレス: " ; Tested
; Korean (Korea) else if(A_Language = "0412") AddressLabel := "주소: "
; Hindi (India) else if(A_Language = "0439") AddressLabel := "पता: "
; Dutch (Netherlands) Dutch (Belguim) Polish (Poland) else if(A_Language = "0413" or A_Language = "0813" or A_Language = "0415") AddressLabel := "Adres: "
; Swedish (Sweden) Swedish (Finland) else if(A_Language = "041D" or A_Language = "081D") AddressLabel := "Adress: "
; Finnish (Finland) else if(A_Language = "040B") AddressLabel := "Osoite: "
; Italian (Italy) Italian (Switzerland) else if(A_Language = "0410" or A_Language = "0810") AddressLabel := "Indirizzo: "
; Greek (Greece) else if(A_Language = "0408") AddressLabel := "Διεύθυνση: "
; Ukrainian (Ukraine) else if(A_Language = "0422") AddressLabel := "Адреса: "
; Romanian (Romania) Romania (Moldova) else if(A_Language = "0418" or A_Language = "0818") AddressLabel := "Abordare: "
; Czech (Czech Rep.) else if(A_Language = "0405") AddressLabel := "Adresa: "
; Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Syria) Arabic (UAE) else if(A_Language = "0401" or A_Language = "0C01" or A_Language = "0401" or A_Language = "3801") AddressLabel := "عنوان: " ; Farsi (Iran) else if(A_Language = "0429") AddressLabel := "نشانی: "
; Hebrew (Israel) else if(A_Language = "040D") AddressLabel := "כתובת: "
return StrReplace(fPath, AddressLabel) } ...so, um, I should probably explain where this script came from. To be honest, I had also made this discovery a while ago while performing similar experiments. I know I really should have made a thread about it, and I honestly feel terrible that I never did. I did have my reasons for not doing it, and perhaps they weren’t the greatest reasons in hindsight. Let’s just say that sometimes it’s easy to underestimate how long a project can take to complete (especially when life keeps pulling you away from it). But that’s no excuse. The WinClassic community deserves to know about discoveries like this, and thrives when its knowledge is shared. I have failed in that regard here, and I am really sorry for it. For all intents and purposes, TechSalt deserves the credit on this for actually posting about it upon discovering it. Anyway, sorry for the long-winded rant. Let’s try not to derail the thread. There’s actually a lot more potential here beyond just the classic Address and Links toolbars with some further modifications... {Spoiler} I'll try and provide details very soon.
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Post by s34642542 on Nov 9, 2021 23:24:42 GMT -8
I feel like a child on Christmas Eve. Excellent discovery TechSalt and R.O.B.
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Post by AnyKey on Nov 10, 2021 0:37:57 GMT -8
I am feeling so happy now. Thank you, TechSalt and R.O.B. Now I have some questions. Is it possible to show icon properly on address bar and replace reload button with Go button? And my address bar height is too high. Is this fixable?
Also I found kinda strange thing. It shows Go button instead of reload in Network folder.
Post by TechSalt on Nov 10, 2021 7:12:14 GMT -8
I am feeling so happy now. Thank you, TechSalt and R.O.B. Now I have some questions. Is it possible to show icon properly on address bar and replace reload button with Go button? And my address bar height is too high. Is this fixable?
Also I found kinda strange thing. It shows Go button instead of reload in Network folder. I think it is related to that you have the modern search/address bar enabled.
Post by TechSalt on Nov 10, 2021 7:15:07 GMT -8
The "folder sync" issue can be fixed with AutoHotKey. While you're at it, the StaticEdge style can be removed to make it a bit more accurate. Gui +LastFound hWnd := WinExist() SetControlDelay, -1 SetBatchLines -1 DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd ) MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" ) OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" ) ;OnMessage( WM_KEYDOWN:=0x100, "ShellKeyDown" ) Return ShellMessage(wParam,lParam) { WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %lParam% if (WinClass = "CabinetWClass") { ControlGet, NavBarParent, Hwnd, , WorkerW1, ahk_id %lParam% ControlGet, NavBarAddressBandRoot, Hwnd, , Address Band Root1, ahk_id %NavBarParent% ControlGet, ClassicAddressBandRoot, Hwnd, , Address Band Root2, ahk_id %lParam%
CabStateRegPath := "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CabinetState"
ControlGetText, fPath, ToolbarWindow321, ahk_id %NavBarAddressBandRoot%
RegRead, FullAddressPath, %CabStateRegPath%, FullPathAddress if (ErrorLevel) FullAddressPath := 1
if (FullAddressPath >= 1) { ;StringTrimLeft, FolderPathStr, FolderPath, 9 AddressBarPath := GetFolderPath(fPath)
} else { ControlGetText, AddressBarPath, ShellTabWindowClass1, ahk_id %lParam% }
Loop, 3 { ControlSetText, Edit1, %AddressBarPath%, ahk_id %ClassicAddressBandRoot% } Control, ExStyle, -0x00020000, msctls_progress321, ahk_id %ClassicAddressBandRoot% } }
GetFolderPath(fPath) { ; English (US) English (Canada) English (UK) English (Australia) English (New Zealand) if(A_Language = "0409" or A_Language = "1009" or A_Language = "0809" or A_Language = "0C09" or A_Language = "1409") AddressLabel := "Address: " ; Tested
; Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Spain) Spanish Tr. (Spain) Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) else if(A_Language = "080A" or A_Language = "0C0A" A_Language = "040A" or A_Language = "0416" or A_Language = "0816") AddressLabel := "Dirección: "
; French (France) French (Canada) French (Switzerland) German (Germany) German (Austria) German (Switzerland) Norwegian (Bokml) Norwegian (Nynorsk) Danish else if(A_Language = "040C" or A_Language = "0C0C" or A_Language = "100C" or A_Language = "0407" or A_Language = "0C07" or A_Language = "0807" or A_Language = "0414" or A_Language = "0814" or A_Language = "0406") ; This one sure covers a lot! AddressLabel := "Adresse: "
; Russian (Russia) Russia (Moldova) else if(A_Language = "0419" or A_Language = "0819") AddressLabel := "Адрес: "
; Simplified Chinese else if(A_Language = "0804") AddressLabel := "地址: "
; Japanese (Japan) else if(A_Language = "0411") AddressLabel := "アドレス: " ; Tested
; Korean (Korea) else if(A_Language = "0412") AddressLabel := "주소: "
; Hindi (India) else if(A_Language = "0439") AddressLabel := "पता: "
; Dutch (Netherlands) Dutch (Belguim) Polish (Poland) else if(A_Language = "0413" or A_Language = "0813" or A_Language = "0415") AddressLabel := "Adres: "
; Swedish (Sweden) Swedish (Finland) else if(A_Language = "041D" or A_Language = "081D") AddressLabel := "Adress: "
; Finnish (Finland) else if(A_Language = "040B") AddressLabel := "Osoite: "
; Italian (Italy) Italian (Switzerland) else if(A_Language = "0410" or A_Language = "0810") AddressLabel := "Indirizzo: "
; Greek (Greece) else if(A_Language = "0408") AddressLabel := "Διεύθυνση: "
; Ukrainian (Ukraine) else if(A_Language = "0422") AddressLabel := "Адреса: "
; Romanian (Romania) Romania (Moldova) else if(A_Language = "0418" or A_Language = "0818") AddressLabel := "Abordare: "
; Czech (Czech Rep.) else if(A_Language = "0405") AddressLabel := "Adresa: "
; Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Syria) Arabic (UAE) else if(A_Language = "0401" or A_Language = "0C01" or A_Language = "0401" or A_Language = "3801") AddressLabel := "عنوان: " ; Farsi (Iran) else if(A_Language = "0429") AddressLabel := "نشانی: "
; Hebrew (Israel) else if(A_Language = "040D") AddressLabel := "כתובת: "
return StrReplace(fPath, AddressLabel) } ...so, um, I should probably explain where this script came from. To be honest, I had also made this discovery a while ago while performing similar experiments. I know I really should have made a thread about it, and I honestly feel terrible that I never did. I did have my reasons for not doing it, and perhaps they weren’t the greatest reasons in hindsight. Let’s just say that sometimes it’s easy to underestimate how long a project can take to complete (especially when life keeps pulling you away from it). But that’s no excuse. The WinClassic community deserves to know about discoveries like this, and thrives when its knowledge is shared. I have failed in that regard here, and I am really sorry for it. For all intents and purposes, TechSalt deserves the credit on this for actually posting about it upon discovering it. Anyway, sorry for the long-winded rant. Let’s try not to derail the thread. There’s actually a lot more potential here beyond just the classic Address and Links toolbars with some further modifications... {Spoiler} I'll try and provide details very soon. Wait, it is possible to get the classic Folders explorer bar? Tried getting it to work but failed.
Post by travis on Nov 10, 2021 7:26:04 GMT -8
The "folder sync" issue can be fixed with AutoHotKey. While you're at it, the StaticEdge style can be removed to make it a bit more accurate. Would it be possible to also sync the icons on the address bar also?
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Post by s34642542 on Nov 10, 2021 7:57:14 GMT -8
Anyone know where this registry key is in Windows 8.1? There's no Toolbar folder under Internet Explorer (it's there on 7 and 10).
Post by R.O.B. on Nov 10, 2021 8:51:35 GMT -8
I am feeling so happy now. Thank you, TechSalt and R.O.B. Now I have some questions. Is it possible to show icon properly on address bar and replace reload button with Go button? And my address bar height is too high. Is this fixable? Also I found kinda strange thing. It shows Go button instead of reload in Network folder. Yeah, TechSalt was right on the money about the address bar height, though I was personally never able to fix this myself. If nothing else, it's probably doable through AHK, though I never got around to trying that. As for the Go button, yeah I'm not really sure what's up with that. Sometimes it will show up whenever it feels like it, and other times it will only display the refresh icon. It's very strange. Wait, it is possible to get the classic Folders explorer bar? Tried getting it to work but failed. Yes, but it requires some extra work. The reason you probably couldn't get it to work is because its code appears to have been completely removed from newer versions of Windows, meaning it cannot be restored by just editing the registry. What you're seeing here is code from Windows XP being loaded into Windows 7's explorer via some modified DLLs. Again, I'll try and post details about it soon. Would it be possible to also sync the icons on the address bar also? Sadly no, or at least probably not without something like some sort of DLL injection as far as I can tell. Believe me, I spent a good amount of time trying to find a solution for that. Anyone know where this registry key is in Windows 8.1? There's no Toolbar folder under Internet Explorer (it's there on 7 and 10). If it doesn't exist then you can simply create it yourself.
Post by The Jackal on Nov 11, 2021 9:24:31 GMT -8
How about overlaying a picture over the "Address" and "Go" buttons via AHK with a custom picture? I know it's possible because Spitfire_x86 did it for his ReactOS taskbar script. #NoEnv #NoTrayIcon SendMode Input
Init: ;; Path to start button picture ButtonPressed = C:\Classic\StartButton W98 Plum\StartPressed.png ButtonDepressed = C:\Classic\StartButton W98 Plum\StartDepressed.png ex = ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_exe explorer_old.exe ;; Uncomment these 2 lines if you want to use Win-X ; Run, rundll32 TaskbarContextMenuTweaker.dll`,Release ; Run, rundll32 TaskbarContextMenuTweaker.dll`,Inject ;; Hide Win10 taskbar WinHide ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_exe explorer.exe ;; Start ROS explorer Run, C:\Classic\StartButton2000\explorer_old.exe WinWaitActive, %ex% ;; Hide ROS start button Control, Disable,, Button1, %ex% Control, Hide,, Button1, %ex% ;; Fix for Win10 glowing border on taskbar WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, %ex% WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, %ex% ;; Define new GUI Gui, +hwndChild -Caption -Border +alwaysontop -Resize DllCall("uxtheme.dll\SetThemeAppProperties", "UInt", 0) ;; Picture instead of button because AHK is weird Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 vStart1 gStartPress, %ButtonDepressed% Gui, Show, w56 h26 ;; Set parent of GUI to ROS taskbar Parent := WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_exe explorer_old.exe" pid) DllCall("SetParent", "ptr", Child, "ptr", Parent) ;; Start button position and size WinMove, ahk_id %child%,, 1, 1, 52, 22 ;; Awful workaround part one SetTimer, IsStartOpen, 50 Return StartPress: ;; Open ClassicShell start menu by emulating Win key press Send, {LWin} SetTimer, IsStartOpen, Off ;; Change button picture to pressed GuiControl,,Start1,%ButtonPressed% GuiControl, -g +gStartDepress, Start1, SetTimer, FixButton, 50 Return
StartDepress: SetTimer, FixButton, Off ;; Change button picture to depressed GuiControl,,Start1,%ButtonDepressed% GuiControl, -g +gStartPress, Start1, SetTimer, IsStartOpen, 50 Return
FixButton: ;; If button is pressed but start menu is closed, depress the start button If !WinExist("ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer") { Goto, StartDepress } Return IsStartOpen: ;; Awful workaround part two If WinExist("ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer") { GuiControl,,Start1,%ButtonPressed% GuiControl, -g +gStartDepress, Start1, SetTimer, IsStartOpen, Off SetTimer, FixButton, 50 } Return GuiContextMenu: ;; Opens Win-X menu by default Send, {LWin Down}{x}{LWin Up} Return
I'm useless at AHK scripting and have thus been unsuccessful in doing this myself, but if someone else wants to take a crack at it, I think (my own opinion) this could be a decent workaround.
Post by R.O.B. on Nov 11, 2021 19:31:39 GMT -8
How about overlaying a picture over the "Address" and "Go" buttons via AHK with a custom picture? I know it's possible because Spitfire_x86 did it for his ReactOS taskbar script. #NoEnv #NoTrayIcon SendMode Input
Init: ;; Path to start button picture ButtonPressed = C:\Classic\StartButton W98 Plum\StartPressed.png ButtonDepressed = C:\Classic\StartButton W98 Plum\StartDepressed.png ex = ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_exe explorer_old.exe ;; Uncomment these 2 lines if you want to use Win-X ; Run, rundll32 TaskbarContextMenuTweaker.dll`,Release ; Run, rundll32 TaskbarContextMenuTweaker.dll`,Inject ;; Hide Win10 taskbar WinHide ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_exe explorer.exe ;; Start ROS explorer Run, C:\Classic\StartButton2000\explorer_old.exe WinWaitActive, %ex% ;; Hide ROS start button Control, Disable,, Button1, %ex% Control, Hide,, Button1, %ex% ;; Fix for Win10 glowing border on taskbar WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, %ex% WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, %ex% ;; Define new GUI Gui, +hwndChild -Caption -Border +alwaysontop -Resize DllCall("uxtheme.dll\SetThemeAppProperties", "UInt", 0) ;; Picture instead of button because AHK is weird Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 vStart1 gStartPress, %ButtonDepressed% Gui, Show, w56 h26 ;; Set parent of GUI to ROS taskbar Parent := WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_exe explorer_old.exe" pid) DllCall("SetParent", "ptr", Child, "ptr", Parent) ;; Start button position and size WinMove, ahk_id %child%,, 1, 1, 52, 22 ;; Awful workaround part one SetTimer, IsStartOpen, 50 Return StartPress: ;; Open ClassicShell start menu by emulating Win key press Send, {LWin} SetTimer, IsStartOpen, Off ;; Change button picture to pressed GuiControl,,Start1,%ButtonPressed% GuiControl, -g +gStartDepress, Start1, SetTimer, FixButton, 50 Return
StartDepress: SetTimer, FixButton, Off ;; Change button picture to depressed GuiControl,,Start1,%ButtonDepressed% GuiControl, -g +gStartPress, Start1, SetTimer, IsStartOpen, 50 Return
FixButton: ;; If button is pressed but start menu is closed, depress the start button If !WinExist("ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer") { Goto, StartDepress } Return IsStartOpen: ;; Awful workaround part two If WinExist("ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer") { GuiControl,,Start1,%ButtonPressed% GuiControl, -g +gStartDepress, Start1, SetTimer, IsStartOpen, Off SetTimer, FixButton, 50 } Return GuiContextMenu: ;; Opens Win-X menu by default Send, {LWin Down}{x}{LWin Up} Return
I'm useless at AHK scripting and have thus been unsuccessful in doing this myself, but if someone else wants to take a crack at it, I think (my own opinion) this could be a decent workaround. Do you mean drawing images to re-create the address bar icon/go button? That should be possible, but implementing it would be relatively difficult, and the end result may not even be worth it. The thing about the taskbar is that it's pretty stationary for the most part, whereas an Explorer window can be moved/resized/maximized/minimized. Overlaying a control on a window not only requires you to track the size, position and state of a window, but also keep up with it in a timely manner. I have seen other scripts that try to do this, and it's usually pretty clunky. Much like with fixing the address bar icon, I think the most ideal solution for the Go button would be DLL injection. This would allow for modification of the toolbar button structure to essentially re-create the classic Go button (possibly by even just modifying the existing buttons). I sadly lack the skills to pull any of this off, but working on this project has really made me aware of the limitations of AHK.
Post by R.O.B. on Nov 11, 2021 21:39:42 GMT -8
Here is something else that's technically possible (by again using code from Windows XP). I really wish I could call this good news, but it sadly falls short in a few areas that make it impractical for everyday use. The "Download Status" (as it's referred to) is loaded here as a toolbar, and seems to work perfectly at first glance. You can re-position it to the top right corner like in older versions of Windows, and it will even play its animation when accessing network folders. The problem is that its position is not saved upon opening/closing windows, and it will sometimes not even display its bitmap at all (although these actually may be the same issue, as it will correct itself upon being manually repositioned). Additionally, its bitmap is located in shell32.dll, meaning that needs to be modified in order to get the image to show up in any capacity. The fact that this is so close to just working properly makes this especially frustrating to me. Maybe one day it can be fixed, but until then, the Download Status indicator is nothing more than a tease of what could be.
Post by anixx on Nov 12, 2021 2:12:38 GMT -8
Guys! I suggest you to express your wishes and findings on Exlorer Patcher github.
Post by TechSalt on Nov 12, 2021 6:04:05 GMT -8
Managed to get tip of the day working.
Post by TechSalt on Nov 12, 2021 13:05:23 GMT -8
Turns out you can use ReactOS browseui.dll to get a classic folder pane. Again, it does not seem to sync. I would also recommend disabling Classic/Open Shell options related to the navigation pane.