Freshman Member
Posts: 94
OS: Windows 10
Theme: Classic
CPU: i5-12400f
RAM: 16 GB DDR4 3600mhz
Post by waldemar21214 on Oct 3, 2024 10:57:48 GMT -8
It is already set for 0 spacing, though admittedly I don't see anything wrong the spacing myself doing a side by side, the only issue I notice is that some of the lines between the folders and the plus buttons don't fully connect. Thanks for continuing to support this mod, it's one of my favorites currently. I implemented a option to draw the gradient. It also removes the etched edge drawn around the band. I've also implemented a themed frame for the X button, but wasn't able to test it myself. Please test: {code}// ==WindhawkMod== // @id classic-explorer-treeview // @name Classic Explorer Treeview // @description Modifies Folder Treeview in file explorer so as to make it look more classic. // @version 1.1.1 // @author Waldemar // @github https://github.com/CyprinusCarpio // @include explorer.exe // @compilerOptions -lcomctl32 -lgdi32 -loleaut32 -lole32 -lshlwapi -lruntimeobject -luxtheme // @architecture x86-64 // ==/WindhawkMod==
// ==WindhawkModSettings== /* - FoldersText: default $name: Folders Pane Text $description: If you want a custom text to be displayed on the folders pane, change this text. 'default' will source the text from localized system resources. - DrawLines: true $name: Draw Dotted Lines $description: Use TVS_HASLINES style. Disable for a more XP-like look. - LinesAtRoot: false $name: Lines At Root $description: Use TVS_LINESATROOT style. - GradientBackground: false $name: Gradient Background $description: Draw a gradient in the header. Enable for a more accurate XP-like look. - DrawButtons: true $name: Draw +/- Buttons $description: Should the mod draw it's own +/- buttons. Disable only if not using Classic theme. - AlternateLineColor: Automatic $name: Alternate line color $description: Use highlight color instead of shadow color for drawing lines. May produce better results on some dark themes. $options: - False: Use default color. - True: Use alternate color. - Automatic: Use alternate color if the default color's contrast is too low. - CloseButtonXOffset: 0 $name: Horizontal close button offset - CloseButtonYOffset: 0 $name: Vertical close button offset */ // ==/WindhawkModSettings==
// ==WindhawkModReadme== /* # Classic Explorer Treeview
This mod changes the Explorer Treeview (otherwise known as Folder Pane or Navigation Pane) to look more classic. It draws it's own Folder Band with a functional X button. If you are using OpenShell, then you need to set the correct settings for Classic Explorer in the Navigation Pane tab: Vista style and Tree item spacing 0.
This mod supports the Classic and Basic (non DWM) themes, others may work but aren't supported.
If the mod is to be disabled, it's recommended not to use file explorer windows that were opened prior to disabling it, as it may lead to undefined behaviour.
For issue reports, contact waldemar3194 on Discord, or file a report at my [github repository](https://github.com/CyprinusCarpio/windhawk-mods).
# Changelog: ## 1.1.1 - Added a option to draw a gradient background for the header for XP-like looks - Added a context menu for the header like in real InfoBands - A theme-accurate button frame is now drawn for the X button
## 1.1 - Enabling the folders pane will now hide real InfoBands and vice versa - Fixed a hidden bug where clicking the X button many times would hang Explorer - Added a working entry in the Explorer Bars submenu - Removed 32bit "support"
## 1.0.3 - Optimized expando button drawing - Mod will now explicitly load the required dll module
## 1.0.2 - Accurate dotted lines - Fixed a bug with quick access item being too big
## 1.0.1 - More accurate treeview item spacing - Mod no longer requires different settings on Win10 and Win11 - Added a preview image to the description - Added settings to set the X, Y offsets of the close button
## 1.0 - Fixed explorer.exe instability - Removed redundant linker arguments - Removed redundant includes - Added a option to use a default, system localized text for the folder band - Moving the treeview on the Y axis will no longer be attempted - Fixed the tooltips displayed when hovering over a item that doesn't fit in the treeview window - Added many comments to the code
## 0.5.1 - Hotfix: fixed a graphical bug that led to spurious expando buttons being drawn
## 0.5 - Changed the Folders band text font to be the same as in a real InfoBand - Folders band is now scaled semi-accurately when a non-standard sized theme is applied - Fixed the gaps to the sides of the folder band - Fixed some memory leaks - Fixed scrollbar buttons not appearing pressed in
## 0.4 - Changed raw COM pointers to winrt::com_ptr - Changed the way Folders band text is stored in the mod - Added a option to automatically set the line color based on the currently used theme - Changed the mod to only subclass CNscTree controls that are part of file explorer windows, disregarding others that may be created in the explorer.exe process - Accurate mouse pointer will be displayed when hovering over tree view items
## 0.3 - More accurate positioning and sizing of the folder band (Cynosphere) - Proper close button "glyph" (Cynosphere) - Close button glyph will now appear pressed in like a proper button label - Fixed a bug with close button appearing pressed in on mouse hover after it was pressed, but the mouse pointer left the window area before the mouse button was released - Fixed a bug with incorrect cursor being sometimes displayed when hovering over the folder band - Draw bottom rebar line on the folder band (Cynosphere) - Add option to use highlight color for drawing lines for better visibility on dark themes (Cynosphere)
## 0.2 - Fixed a bug with drawing lines when LinesAtRoot is enabled. - Added a 3D border to the X button when mouse is hovering over it. - Added a option not to draw +/- buttons so that the mod can be used when themes are enabled. - Fixed the treeview being drawn over in certain circumstances.
## 0.1 - Initial release. */ // ==/WindhawkModReadme==
#include <windows.h> #define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lp)) #define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lp))
#define CSB_PTHIS_OFFSET 16 #define TV_MENUITEM_ID 2121420
#include <windhawk_api.h> #include <windhawk_utils.h>
#include <wingdi.h> #include <winrt/base.h> #include <shlwapi.h> #include <shdeprecated.h> #include <uxtheme.h> #include <vsstyle.h>
// Mod settings bool g_settingDrawDottedLines = true; bool g_settingLinesAtRoot = false; bool g_settingDrawButtons = true; bool g_settingsGradientBackground = false; WindhawkUtils::StringSetting g_settingLineColorOption; WindhawkUtils::StringSetting g_settingFoldersPaneText; int g_settingCloseButtonXOffset = 0; int g_settingCloseButtonYOffset = 0;
int g_lineColorOptionInt = 2; wchar_t g_defaultFoldersPaneText[32]; wchar_t g_menuTreeviewText[32]; wchar_t g_closeText[32]; wchar_t g_toolBandText[32];
std::vector<unsigned int> g_knownBrowserBandIds;
enum FEWExtraFlags { MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON = 1 << 0, MOUSE_PRESSED = 1 << 1, MOUSE_TRACING = 1 << 2, COM_POINTERS = 1 << 3, TREEVIEW_VIS = 1 << 4 };
class FEWExtra //File Explorer Window Extra things { winrt::com_ptr<IShellBrowser> pShellBrowser; winrt::com_ptr<IPropertyBag> pPropertyBag; //winrt::com_ptr<IWebBrowser2> pWebBrowser; public: HWND hSTWC = nullptr; //ShellTabWindowClass HWND hCNS = nullptr; //CtrlNotifySink HWND hNSTC = nullptr; //NamespaceTreeControl HWND hTV = nullptr; //Treeview int eFlags = 0; void* csb = nullptr; //Ptr to 'this' of the CShellBrowser
FEWExtra(HWND hS, IShellBrowser* psb) { hSTWC = hS; pShellBrowser.copy_from(psb); csb = pShellBrowser.get(); csb = static_cast<char *>(csb) - CSB_PTHIS_OFFSET; }
void populateCOMPointers() { static GUID SID_FrameManager = { 0x31e4fa78, 0x02b4, 0x419f, {0x94, 0x30, 0x7b, 0x75, 0x85, 0x23, 0x7c, 0x77} }; static GUID SID_PerBrowserPropertyBag = { 0xa3b24a0a, 0x7b68, 0x448d, {0x99, 0x79, 0xc7, 0x00, 0x05, 0x9c, 0x3a, 0xd1} }; /*static GUID SID_IWebBrowserApp = { 0x0002df05, 0x0000, 0x0000, {0xc0,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46} };*/
winrt::com_ptr<IUnknown> frame; pShellBrowser.as<IServiceProvider>()->QueryService(SID_FrameManager, IID_PPV_ARGS(&frame)); frame.as<IServiceProvider>()->QueryService(SID_PerBrowserPropertyBag, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pPropertyBag)); //pShellBrowser.as<IServiceProvider>()->QueryService(SID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pWebBrowser));
eFlags |= COM_POINTERS; }
void SetTreeviewVisible(bool visible) { if((eFlags & COM_POINTERS) == 0) { populateCOMPointers(); } VARIANT val; VariantInit(&val); val.vt = VT_BOOL; val.boolVal = visible ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE; pPropertyBag->Write(L"PageSpaceControlSizer_Visible", &val); }
void ModifyToolbarMenu(HMENU hMenu) { // The menu entry disappears on navigation to a new folder, so we need to check // if it still exists. if(!hMenu) return; size_t itemIndex = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu); for (size_t i = 0; i < itemIndex; i++) { UINT itemID = GetMenuItemID(hMenu, i); if (itemID == TV_MENUITEM_ID) { CheckMenuItem(hMenu, TV_MENUITEM_ID, (eFlags & TREEVIEW_VIS) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); return; } } AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING | (eFlags & TREEVIEW_VIS) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED, TV_MENUITEM_ID, g_menuTreeviewText); } };
//Used to keep track of the extra data assigned to each file explorer window std::vector<FEWExtra> g_FEWExtras;
// Euclidean color distance double ColorDistance(DWORD color1, DWORD color2) { int b1 = (color1 & 0xFF); int g1 = ((color1 >> 8) & 0xFF); int r1 = ((color1 >> 16) & 0xFF);
int b2 = (color2 & 0xFF); int g2 = ((color2 >> 8) & 0xFF); int r2 = ((color2 >> 16) & 0xFF);
return std::sqrt(std::pow(r2 - r1, 2) + std::pow(g2 - g1, 2) + std::pow(b2 - b1, 2)); }
void DrawExpandoButton(HWND hTree, HDC hdc, HTREEITEM hItem) { RECT rect; TreeView_GetItemRect(hTree, hItem, &rect, TRUE);
// Get system colors bool useHighlight = false; DWORD windowColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); DWORD shadowColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW); DWORD highlightColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT);
// Check the line color option and set the useHighlight flag accordingly if (g_lineColorOptionInt == 1) { useHighlight = true; } else if (g_lineColorOptionInt == 2) { // Calculate the color distances double distanceShadow = ColorDistance(windowColor, shadowColor); double distanceHighlight = ColorDistance(windowColor, highlightColor);
// Determine whether to use highlight based on color distances if (distanceHighlight > distanceShadow) { useHighlight = true; } }
// Even though the item height should be 16, I'm accomodating some more heights UINT itemHeight = TreeView_GetItemHeight(hTree); switch(itemHeight) { default: case 16: rect.left -= 34; rect.top += 4; break; case 18: rect.left -= 33; rect.top += 6; break; }
// Define a TVITEM struct to retrieve the number of children for the specified item TVITEM tvi; tvi.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN; // Specify that we are interested in the number of children tvi.hItem = hItem; // Set the handle of the tree view item
// Check if the item is at the top level by comparing the left position of the rectangle // to either 10 or -10 based on the value of g_settingLinesAtRoot bool isTopLevel = rect.left <= (g_settingLinesAtRoot ? 10 : -10);
// Check if the setting to draw buttons is enabled and the node is not a top-level node when lines at root is disabled // and the node has one or more children if (!(isTopLevel && !g_settingLinesAtRoot) && TreeView_GetItem(hTree, &tvi) && tvi.cChildren > 0) { // Get the state of the item UINT state = TreeView_GetItemState(hTree, hItem, TVIS_EXPANDED);
// Create a solid brush with the window color and select it into the device context HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(windowColor); HBRUSH original = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, brush);
// Define the rectangle for the button RECT buttonRect; buttonRect.left = rect.left; buttonRect.top = rect.top; buttonRect.right = rect.left + 9; buttonRect.bottom = rect.top + 9;
// Fill the rectangle with the brush color and delete the brush FillRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brush); DeleteObject(brush);
// Create a new brush with the highlight color if useHighlight is true, otherwise shadowColor brush = CreateSolidBrush(useHighlight ? highlightColor : shadowColor);
// Draw a frame around the button rectangle with the new brush and delete the brush FrameRect(hdc, &buttonRect, brush); DeleteObject(brush);
// Restore the original brush to the device context SelectObject(hdc, original);
// Create a pen with a solid style and the button text color, and select it into the device context HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, hPen);
// Draw a +/- symbol in the item's button based on its expanded state if (state & TVIS_EXPANDED) { MoveToEx(hdc, rect.left + 2, rect.top + 4, NULL); LineTo(hdc, rect.left + 7, rect.top + 4); } else { MoveToEx(hdc, rect.left + 2, rect.top + 4, NULL); LineTo(hdc, rect.left + 7, rect.top + 4); MoveToEx(hdc, rect.left + 4, rect.top + 2, NULL); LineTo(hdc, rect.left + 4, rect.top + 7); }
// Restore the original pen to the device context and delete the pen SelectObject(hdc, hOldPen); DeleteObject(hPen); } }
int GetThemedBandOffset() // extremely retarded and only semi-accurate { NONCLIENTMETRICS ncm; ncm.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS), &ncm, 0); int size = std::round(abs(ncm.lfMenuFont.lfHeight) / 1.21f - 1.21f); if (size < 7) size++; if (size > 16) size--; if (size > 11) size += (size - 11); size -= 8; return size; }
void SetCloseButtonRect(RECT &rect) { rect.left = rect.right - 24 + g_settingCloseButtonXOffset; rect.right -= 4 - g_settingCloseButtonXOffset; rect.bottom = rect.top + 19 + g_settingCloseButtonYOffset; rect.top += 2 + g_settingCloseButtonYOffset; }
typedef void (*__cdecl CSBSetBrowserBarState_t)(void*, unsigned int, void*, int, void*); CSBSetBrowserBarState_t CSBSetBrowserBarStateOriginal; void __cdecl CSBSetBrowserBarStateHook(void* pThis, unsigned int var1, void* var2, int var3, void* var4) { // This function gets called when a InfoBand is about to be shown or hidden. // var 3: -1 = toggle, 0 = off, 1 = on // We need to keep track of the band ids, so that they can be hidden when the mod treeview is shown.
if(std::find(g_knownBrowserBandIds.begin(), g_knownBrowserBandIds.end(), var1) == g_knownBrowserBandIds.end()) { g_knownBrowserBandIds.push_back(var1); } if(var3 == -1 || var3 == 1) { for(FEWExtra& f : g_FEWExtras) { if(f.csb == pThis) { f.SetTreeviewVisible(false); break; } } }
CSBSetBrowserBarStateOriginal(pThis, var1, var2, var3, var4); }
LRESULT CALLBACK CtrlNotSinkSubclassProc(_In_ HWND hWnd, _In_ UINT uMsg, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam, _In_ DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { if(uMsg == WM_SHOWWINDOW) //Mod treeview is hidden/shown { HWND stwc = GetParent(GetParent(GetParent(hWnd))); for(FEWExtra& f : g_FEWExtras) { if(f.hSTWC == stwc) { if(wParam) //wParam - bool for hide/show { f.eFlags |= TREEVIEW_VIS; // Hide every known browser band for(unsigned int id : g_knownBrowserBandIds) CSBSetBrowserBarStateHook(f.csb, id, NULL, 0, NULL); } else f.eFlags &= ~TREEVIEW_VIS; break; } } } return DefSubclassProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
LRESULT CALLBACK NTCSubclassProc(_In_ HWND hWnd, _In_ UINT uMsg, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam, _In_ DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_NOTIFY: { if(!g_settingDrawButtons) break;
LPNMHDR lpnmh = (LPNMHDR)lParam; switch (lpnmh->code) { case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: // Handle custom drawing notifications sent by the treeview control { HWND hTree = FindWindowEx(hWnd, NULL, L"SysTreeView32", NULL); // Find the treeview control LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW pCustomDraw = (LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW)lParam; if(pCustomDraw->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT) { return CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; } if(pCustomDraw->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) { return CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT; } if(pCustomDraw->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT) { HTREEITEM hItem = reinterpret_cast<HTREEITEM>(pCustomDraw->nmcd.dwItemSpec); DrawExpandoButton(hTree, pCustomDraw->nmcd.hdc, hItem); return S_OK; } } break; case TVN_ITEMEXPANDED: //If a item is expanded, redraw the treeview to fix graphical issues { HWND hwndTreeView = lpnmh->hwndFrom; InvalidateRect(hwndTreeView, NULL, TRUE); return S_OK; }
break; } } break; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
// Get the themed band offset and calculate the rectangle for the background, and draw it int themeBandOffset = GetThemedBandOffset(); RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); long origBottom = rect.bottom;
HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); HBRUSH original = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, brush); FillRect(hdc, &rect, brush); SelectObject(hdc, original); DeleteObject(brush);
if(g_settingsGradientBackground) { HTHEME hThemeRebar = OpenThemeData(NULL, L"REBAR"); if(hThemeRebar) { DrawThemeBackground(hThemeRebar, hdc, RP_BACKGROUND, 0, &rect, NULL); CloseThemeData(hThemeRebar); } }
long origTop = rect.top;
// Create and fill the top line of the rebar HBRUSH rebarLineTop = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); rect.top = origTop + 22 + themeBandOffset; rect.bottom = rect.top + 1; FillRect(hdc, &rect, rebarLineTop); DeleteObject(rebarLineTop);
// Create and fill the bottom line of the rebar HBRUSH rebarLineBottom = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT)); rect.top += 1; rect.bottom += 1; FillRect(hdc, &rect, rebarLineBottom); DeleteObject(rebarLineBottom);
long origLeft = rect.left; long origRight = rect.right;
//Get flags for this NSTC int eFlags = 0; size_t s = g_FEWExtras.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (hWnd == g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC) { eFlags = g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags; break; } }
// If the mouse is over the button, draw the X button frame if (eFlags & MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON) { RECT buttonFrame; GetClientRect(hWnd, &buttonFrame); SetCloseButtonRect(buttonFrame); // If a theme is enabled, draw the theme correct button frame HTHEME hThemeToolbar = OpenThemeData(hWnd, L"TOOLBAR"); if(hThemeToolbar) { DrawThemeBackground(hThemeToolbar, hdc, TP_BUTTON, eFlags & MOUSE_PRESSED ? TS_PRESSED : TS_HOT, &buttonFrame, NULL); CloseThemeData(hThemeToolbar); } else DrawEdge(hdc, &buttonFrame, eFlags & MOUSE_PRESSED ? BDR_SUNKENOUTER : BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT); }
// Create a brush for the close button HBRUSH closeColor = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
// draw the close button // ## ## rect.top = origTop + 7 + g_settingCloseButtonYOffset; rect.left = origRight - 18 + g_settingCloseButtonXOffset; rect.bottom = rect.top + 1; rect.right = rect.left + 2; if (eFlags & MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON && eFlags & MOUSE_PRESSED) { rect.left += 1; rect.right += 1; rect.top += 1; rect.bottom += 1; } FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
rect.left += 6; rect.right += 6; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
// ## ## rect.top += 1; rect.bottom += 1; rect.left -= 1; rect.right -= 1; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
rect.left -= 4; rect.right -= 4; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
// #### rect.top += 1; rect.bottom += 1; rect.left += 1; rect.right += 3; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
// ## rect.top += 1; rect.bottom += 1; rect.left += 1; rect.right -= 1; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
// reset and draw last three lines in reverse cause easier math // ## ## rect.top = origTop + 13 + g_settingCloseButtonYOffset; rect.left = origRight - 18 + g_settingCloseButtonXOffset; rect.bottom = rect.top + 1; rect.right = rect.left + 2; if (eFlags & MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON && eFlags & MOUSE_PRESSED) { rect.left += 1; rect.right += 1; rect.top += 1; rect.bottom += 1; } FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
rect.left += 6; rect.right += 6; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
// ## ## rect.top -= 1; rect.bottom -= 1; rect.left -= 1; rect.right -= 1; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
rect.left -= 4; rect.right -= 4; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
// #### rect.top -= 1; rect.bottom -= 1; rect.left += 1; rect.right += 3; FillRect(hdc, &rect, closeColor);
rect.top = origTop; rect.bottom = origBottom; rect.left = origLeft; rect.right = origRight;
SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
if(!g_settingsGradientBackground) { //Draw the etched edge around the NSTC DrawEdge(hdc, &rect, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT); }
SelectObject(hdc, original);
// Get the font and draw the folder pane text NONCLIENTMETRICS ncm; ncm.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &ncm, 0);
HFONT hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&ncm.lfMenuFont); HFONT hFontOrig = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, hFont); SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT));
PCWSTR foldersPaneText = g_settingFoldersPaneText.get(); unsigned int foldersPaneTextLength; SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); if (lstrcmpW(foldersPaneText, L"default") == 0) { foldersPaneTextLength = wcslen(g_defaultFoldersPaneText); TextOut(hdc, 8, 5, g_defaultFoldersPaneText, foldersPaneTextLength); } else { foldersPaneTextLength = wcslen(foldersPaneText); TextOut(hdc, 8, 5, foldersPaneText, foldersPaneTextLength); }
SelectObject(hdc, hFontOrig); DeleteObject(hFont); EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: { //Set the cursor to the default cursor, because this window does not handle this message by default //so sometimes the wrong cursor would be displayed SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); return TRUE; } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { // Get the x and y coordinates of the mouse int xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);
// Set the rect to the X button bounds SetCloseButtonRect(rect);
// Check if the mouse is inside the rectangle bool mouseInside = false; if (xPos >= rect.left && xPos <= rect.right && yPos >= rect.top && yPos <= rect.bottom) { mouseInside = true; }
// Iterate through the list of subclassed NSTCs size_t s = g_FEWExtras.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) { // Check if the current window handle matches the one in the list if (hWnd == g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC) { // If mouse is inside, set the flag, else clear it. Redraw the window if (mouseInside) { InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE); g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags |= MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON; } else if (g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags & MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON) { g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags &= ~MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON; InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE); } // If the mouse is not being traced, trace it so that we know when it leaves the window // so that we can stop drawing the raised button edge if (!(g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags & MOUSE_TRACING)) { g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags |= MOUSE_TRACING; TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme{}; tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hWnd; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); } break; } } } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: // If the left mouse button is pressed, set the flag and redraw { size_t s = g_FEWExtras.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (hWnd == g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); SetCloseButtonRect(rect); InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE); g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags |= MOUSE_PRESSED; break; } } } break; case WM_MOUSELEAVE: //If the mouse leaves the window, clear the flag and redraw so that the raised frame disappears { size_t s = g_FEWExtras.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (hWnd == g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); SetCloseButtonRect(rect); g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags &= ~MOUSE_PRESSED; g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags &= ~MOUSE_TRACING; g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags &= ~MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON; InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE); break; } } } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: { // Iterate through all subclassed NSTC windows size_t s = g_FEWExtras.size(); //size_t i = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) { // Check if the current window matches and the mouse is pressed if (hWnd == g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC && g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags & MOUSE_PRESSED) { // Reset the mouse pressed flag g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags &= ~MOUSE_PRESSED; break; } }
int xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); SetCloseButtonRect(rect);
// Check if the mouse click is within the button rectangle if (xPos >= rect.left && xPos <= rect.right && yPos >= rect.top && yPos <= rect.bottom) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) { if (hWnd == g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC) { // Remove the flag so that the button edge won't be drawn after the treeview is enabled again g_FEWExtras[i].eFlags &= ~MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON; g_FEWExtras[i].SetTreeviewVisible(false); break; } } } } break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: { // Open info band context menu POINT p; p.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); p.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ClientToScreen(hWnd, &p);
static std::wstring menuItem = L""; if(menuItem == L"") { menuItem += g_closeText; menuItem += L" "; menuItem += g_toolBandText; }
HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenuW(hMenu, MF_STRING, 1, menuItem.c_str()); int sel = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, p.x, p.y, 0, hWnd, NULL); DestroyMenu(hMenu);
if(sel == 1) // Close the treeview { for (size_t i = 0; i < g_FEWExtras.size(); i++) { if (hWnd == g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC) { g_FEWExtras[i].SetTreeviewVisible(false); break; } } } } break; case WM_SIZE: { // Static variable to track if resizing is in progress static bool resizing = false; if (!resizing) // If not currently resizing { resizing = true; // Set resizing flag to true RECT rect; // Create a RECT struct to hold window dimensions
// Get the parent window of the current window HWND ctrlNotSink = GetParent(hWnd); GetWindowRect(ctrlNotSink, &rect); // Get the screen coordinates of the parent window MapWindowPoints(NULL, GetParent(ctrlNotSink), (POINT*)&rect, 2); // Map the screen coordinates to client coordinates int ctrlNotSinkXOffset = rect.left; // Get the x offset of the parent window int ctrlNotSinkYOffset = rect.top; // Get the y offset of the parent window GetClientRect(ctrlNotSink, &rect); // Get the client area dimensions of the parent window
// Resize the parent window to fit the client area SetWindowPos( ctrlNotSink, 0, 0, ctrlNotSinkYOffset, rect.right + ctrlNotSinkXOffset + 1, rect.bottom, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING);
// Resize the current window to fit the client area of the parent window GetClientRect(ctrlNotSink, &rect); // Get the client area dimensions of the parent window SetWindowPos(hWnd, 0, 0, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
// Find the treeview window within the current window HWND treeview = FindWindowEx(hWnd, NULL, L"SysTreeView32", NULL); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); // Get the client area dimensions of the current window
// Modify the style of the treeview to remove the client edge LONG lStyle = GetWindowLong(treeview, GWL_EXSTYLE); lStyle &= ~WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; SetWindowLong(treeview, GWL_EXSTYLE, lStyle);
// Calculate and set the position and size of the treeview window int themedBandOffset = GetThemedBandOffset(); // Get themed band offset SetWindowPos(treeview, 0, 2, 24 + themedBandOffset, rect.right - 4, rect.bottom - 26 - themedBandOffset, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING);
// Redraw the parent window, current window, and treeview window InvalidateRect(ctrlNotSink, NULL, true); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, true); InvalidateRect(treeview, NULL, true);
resizing = false; // Set resizing flag back to false } return S_OK; } break;
case WM_DESTROY: // Remove the entry in the global vector g_FEWExtras.erase(std::remove_if( g_FEWExtras.begin(), g_FEWExtras.end(), [hWnd](FEWExtra ne) { return ne.hNSTC == hWnd; })); return 0; break; }
return DefSubclassProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
LRESULT CALLBACK TVSubclassProc(_In_ HWND hWnd, _In_ UINT uMsg, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam, _In_ DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { if (uMsg == WM_SETCURSOR) { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); //Remove hand cursor return S_OK; } else if(uMsg == TV_FIRST+74) //Remove top margin { wParam = 0; } else if(uMsg == TVM_SETINDENT) //Set full indent { wParam = 19; } else if(uMsg == TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT) //Set item height to the accurate value { wParam = 16; } else if (uMsg == TVM_INSERTITEM) { //Ensure that iIntegral is set to 1 for every item to achieve accurate item height LPTVINSERTSTRUCT lpis = (LPTVINSERTSTRUCT)lParam; lpis->itemex.iIntegral = 1; } else if (uMsg == TVM_SETITEM) // Quick access item workaround { LPTVITEMEXW lptvi = (LPTVITEMEXW)lParam; if (lptvi->mask & TVIF_INTEGRAL) { lptvi->iIntegral = 1; } } else if(uMsg == WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE && g_lineColorOptionInt == 2) { //If the automatic line color setting is enabled, new best color needs to be set DWORD windowColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); DWORD shadowColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW); DWORD highlightColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT);
// Calculate the color distances double distanceShadow = ColorDistance(windowColor, shadowColor); double distanceHighlight = ColorDistance(windowColor, highlightColor);
TreeView_SetLineColor(hWnd, distanceHighlight > distanceShadow ? highlightColor : shadowColor); } return DefSubclassProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
typedef HWND (*__cdecl NSCCreateTreeview_t)(void*, HWND); NSCCreateTreeview_t NSCCreateTreeviewOriginal; HWND __cdecl NSCCreateTreeviewHook(void* pThis, HWND hWnd) { // Get the original member function to create the treeview so that it can be modified HWND treeview = NSCCreateTreeviewOriginal(pThis, hWnd);
// Apply the modifications only if the treeview is created in file explorer window proper wchar_t root[20]; HWND stwc = GetParent(GetParent(GetParent(GetParent(hWnd)))); GetClassName(stwc, root, 20); if (lstrcmpW(root, L"ShellTabWindowClass") == 0) { if (WindhawkUtils::SetWindowSubclassFromAnyThread(hWnd, NTCSubclassProc, NULL)) { WindhawkUtils::SetWindowSubclassFromAnyThread(GetParent(hWnd), CtrlNotSinkSubclassProc, NULL); WindhawkUtils::SetWindowSubclassFromAnyThread(treeview, TVSubclassProc, NULL); for(FEWExtra& f : g_FEWExtras) { if(f.hSTWC == stwc) { f.hCNS = GetParent(hWnd); f.hNSTC = hWnd; f.hTV = treeview; break; } }
// Set the style of the treeview DWORD dwStyle = TVS_HASBUTTONS | TVS_EDITLABELS | TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | WS_TABSTOP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD; if (g_settingLinesAtRoot) dwStyle |= TVS_LINESATROOT; if(g_settingDrawDottedLines) dwStyle |= TVS_HASLINES;
SetWindowLongPtrW(treeview, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
TreeView_SetIndent(treeview, 20); TreeView_SetItemHeight(treeview, 16);
// Set dotted line color. Shadow color is default DWORD highlightColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT); if(g_lineColorOptionInt == 1) //highlight color { TreeView_SetLineColor(treeview, highlightColor); } else if(g_lineColorOptionInt == 2) //automatic color { DWORD windowColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); DWORD shadowColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW);
// Calculate the color distances double distanceShadow = ColorDistance(windowColor, shadowColor); double distanceHighlight = ColorDistance(windowColor, highlightColor);
TreeView_SetLineColor(treeview, distanceHighlight > distanceShadow ? highlightColor : shadowColor); } // Set the extended style to bring back the classic tooltip DWORD exStyle = TreeView_GetExtendedStyle(treeview); exStyle &= ~TVS_EX_RICHTOOLTIP; TreeView_SetExtendedStyle(treeview, exStyle, TVS_EX_RICHTOOLTIP); } }
return treeview; }
// Remove pin icons typedef HRESULT (*__cdecl NSCSetStateImageList_t)(struct _IMAGELIST*); NSCSetStateImageList_t NSCASetStateImageListOriginal; HRESULT __cdecl NSCSetStateImageListHook(struct _IMAGELIST* himagelist) { return S_OK; }
typedef void (*__cdecl CSBAddBrowserBarMenuItems_t)(void*, HMENU); CSBAddBrowserBarMenuItems_t CSBAddBrowserBarMenuItemsOriginal; void __cdecl CSBAddBrowserBarMenuItemsHook(void* pThis, HMENU hMenu) { // This gets called when CShellBrowser populates the View menu. // If no menu items are added by this function, hook or original, // the submenu disappears. // There is a small bug that happens when the original function adds // exactly one item: the submenu label is singular, even though there // are two entries - one added by the original function, and one by // this hook. CSBAddBrowserBarMenuItemsOriginal(pThis, hMenu); for(FEWExtra &f : g_FEWExtras) { if(f.csb == pThis) { f.ModifyToolbarMenu(hMenu); break; } } }
typedef HRESULT (*__cdecl CSBOnViewCommand_t)(void*, unsigned long, long); CSBOnViewCommand_t CSBOnViewCommandOriginal; HRESULT __cdecl CSBOnViewCommandHook(void* pThis, unsigned long a, long b) { // This processes commands from the View menu, including the command of // the added menu item.
if(a == TV_MENUITEM_ID) { for(FEWExtra& f : g_FEWExtras) { if(f.csb == pThis) { // Switch mod treeview visibility f.SetTreeviewVisible((f.eFlags & TREEVIEW_VIS) == 0); break; } } return S_OK; }
return CSBOnViewCommandOriginal(pThis, a, b); }
typedef HRESULT (*__cdecl FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2_t)(IShellBrowser*, void*, IShellView*, IShellView*, void*, HWND*); FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2_t FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2Original; HRESULT __cdecl FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2Hook(IShellBrowser* psb, void* var1, IShellView* psv1, IShellView* psv2, void* var2, HWND* hWnd) { // This gets called on the creation of a file explorer window. // We get the COM interfaces from here, it's far more reliable than // the undocumented message used earlier.
HRESULT hRes = FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2Original(psb, var1, psv1, psv2, var2, hWnd); HWND stwc = GetParent(*hWnd); //????? g_FEWExtras.push_back(FEWExtra(stwc, psb)); return hRes; }
BOOL Wh_ModInit() { Wh_Log(L"Classic Explorer Treeview Init");
HMODULE hExplorerFrame = LoadLibraryW(L"explorerframe.dll");
if (!hExplorerFrame) { Wh_Log(L"Failed to load explorerframe.dll"); return FALSE; }
// Define the symbol hooks for required member functions WindhawkUtils::SYMBOL_HOOK explorerframe_dll_hooks[] = { { { L"private: struct HWND__ * __cdecl CNscTree::_CreateTreeview(struct HWND__ *)" }, (void**)&NSCCreateTreeviewOriginal, (void*)NSCCreateTreeviewHook, FALSE }, { { L"public: virtual long __cdecl CNscTree::SetStateImageList(struct _IMAGELIST *)" }, (void**)&NSCASetStateImageListOriginal, (void*)NSCSetStateImageListHook, FALSE }, { { L"long __cdecl FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2(struct IShellBrowser *,struct tagFolderSetDataBase *,struct IShellView *,struct IShellView *,struct tagRECT *,struct HWND__ * *)" }, (void**)&FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2Original, (void*)FileCabinet_CreateViewWindow2Hook, FALSE }, { { L"private: void __cdecl CShellBrowser::_SetBrowserBarState(unsigned int,struct _GUID const *,int,struct _ITEMIDLIST_ABSOLUTE const *)" }, (void**)&CSBSetBrowserBarStateOriginal, (void*)CSBSetBrowserBarStateHook, FALSE }, { { L"private: void __cdecl CShellBrowser::_AddBrowserBarMenuItems(struct HMENU__ *)" }, (void**)&CSBAddBrowserBarMenuItemsOriginal, (void*)CSBAddBrowserBarMenuItemsHook, FALSE }, { { L"private: __int64 __cdecl CShellBrowser::_OnViewCommand(unsigned __int64,__int64)" }, (void**)&CSBOnViewCommandOriginal, (void*)CSBOnViewCommandHook, FALSE } }; // Hook the symbols in explorerframe.dll, return FALSE if any of the symbols cannot be hooked if (!WindhawkUtils::HookSymbols(hExplorerFrame, explorerframe_dll_hooks, 6)) { Wh_Log(L"Failed to hook one or more member functions in ExplorerFrame.dll"); return FALSE; }
// Load mod settings g_settingDrawDottedLines = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"DrawLines"); g_settingLinesAtRoot = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"LinesAtRoot"); g_settingDrawButtons = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"DrawButtons"); g_settingsGradientBackground = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"GradientBackground"); g_settingLineColorOption = WindhawkUtils::StringSetting::make(L"AlternateLineColor"); g_settingFoldersPaneText = WindhawkUtils::StringSetting::make(L"FoldersText"); g_settingCloseButtonXOffset = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"CloseButtonXOffset"); g_settingCloseButtonYOffset = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"CloseButtonYOffset");
// Set the line color option based on the string setting g_lineColorOptionInt = 0; if (wcscmp(g_settingLineColorOption.get(), L"true") == 0) { g_lineColorOptionInt = 1; } else if (wcscmp(g_settingLineColorOption.get(), L"Automatic") == 0) { g_lineColorOptionInt = 2; }
// Set the folders pane text based on the string setting if (wcscmp(g_settingFoldersPaneText.get(), L"default") == 0) { Wh_Log(L"Loading default localized folders pane text."); HMODULE shell32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"shell32.dll"); if (!shell32) { // Load the default, non localized text Wh_Log(L"Unable to load localized text resource: shell32 9045"); std::wstring def = L"Folders"; def.copy(g_defaultFoldersPaneText, 32); } else { // Load the default localized folders pane text from shell32 resources // On failure, load the default, non localized text if (LoadStringW(shell32, 9045, g_defaultFoldersPaneText, 32) == 0) { Wh_Log( L"Unable to load localized text resource: shell32 " L"9045"); std::wstring def = L"Folders"; def.copy(g_defaultFoldersPaneText, 32); } } }
//Load the applicable localized texts from ieframe HMODULE hIeFrame = LoadLibraryW(L"ieframe.dll"); if(hIeFrame) { if (LoadStringW(hIeFrame, 3010, g_menuTreeviewText, 32) == 0) { Wh_Log(L"Unable to load localized text resource: ieframe 3010"); std::wstring def = L"Treeview"; def.copy(g_menuTreeviewText, 32); } if (LoadStringW(hIeFrame, 41298, g_toolBandText, 32) == 0) { Wh_Log(L"Unable to load localized text resource: ieframe 41298"); std::wstring def = L"toolbar"; def.copy(g_toolBandText, 32); } if (LoadStringW(hIeFrame, 53810, g_closeText, 32) == 0) { Wh_Log(L"Unable to load localized text resource: ieframe 53810"); std::wstring def = L"Close"; def.copy(g_closeText, 32); } FreeLibrary(hIeFrame); }
Wh_Log(L"Classic Explorer Treeview init completed successfully."); return TRUE; }
void Wh_ModUninit() { Wh_Log(L"Classic Explorer Treeview uninit"); size_t s = g_FEWExtras.size(); Wh_Log(L"Removing subclasses from %u controls.", s); for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) // Loop through the subclassed controls { if(g_FEWExtras[i].hCNS == nullptr) continue; //if this is null then all are. // Remove subclasses WindhawkUtils::RemoveWindowSubclassFromAnyThread(g_FEWExtras[i].hCNS, CtrlNotSinkSubclassProc); WindhawkUtils::RemoveWindowSubclassFromAnyThread(g_FEWExtras[i].hNSTC, NTCSubclassProc); WindhawkUtils::RemoveWindowSubclassFromAnyThread(g_FEWExtras[i].hTV, TVSubclassProc); } Wh_Log(L"Classic Explorer Treeview uninit completed successfully."); }
void Wh_ModSettingsChanged() { g_settingDrawDottedLines = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"DrawLines"); g_settingLinesAtRoot = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"LinesAtRoot"); g_settingDrawButtons = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"DrawButtons"); g_settingsGradientBackground = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"GradientBackground"); g_settingLineColorOption = WindhawkUtils::StringSetting::make(L"AlternateLineColor"); g_settingFoldersPaneText = WindhawkUtils::StringSetting::make(L"FoldersText"); g_settingCloseButtonXOffset = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"CloseButtonXOffset"); g_settingCloseButtonYOffset = Wh_GetIntSetting(L"CloseButtonYOffset");
// Set the line color option based on the string setting g_lineColorOptionInt = 0; if (wcscmp(g_settingLineColorOption.get(), L"true") == 0) { g_lineColorOptionInt = 1; } else if (wcscmp(g_settingLineColorOption.get(), L"Automatic") == 0) { g_lineColorOptionInt = 2; } }[/spoiler]